Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1359

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xlii INDEX. Emergency Railroad Transportation Act, Page. 1933-Continued. Emergency Railroad Transportation Act, l'age. 1933--Continued. Orders of Coordinator to be made pub- lic____________________________ 214 Interstate Commerce Act, Amend- ments-Continued. Pooling arrangements, compensation for use of property or carrier services___________________ - __ Appeals to Interstate Commerce Com- mission _______________________ - Reviews; suspension, etc., of orders_ Antitrust law, etc., suspensiOli _____ - -- Railway Labor Act not affected ____ _ State to be advised before carrier re- lieved from operation of law, etc., of____________________________ _ Contractual obligations as to mainte- nance of offices, etc., not relieved_ Penal provisions, violation of Coordi- nator's, etc., order ___________ - -- Penalty; prosecution proceedings __ _ Employee or officer of carrier not to render labor without consent- __ Transportation improvement, study of _ Expenses of Coordinator; assessments on carriers ___________________ -- Free transportation for Coordinator, assistants, etc _____________ - - - Commission not to approve loan to car- rier in need of financial reorgani- zation ________________________ _ "Carrier" not to include receiver or trustee ____________________ - _ Court review of orders; venue of suits on ___________________________ _ Duration of emergency powers_______ _ Interstate Commerce Act, Amend- ments- Carrier's assessment, increase _____ _ Combinations and consolidations of carriers; two or more may merge; application for authority. __ _ Holding company acquiring control of carriers to be considered as eom- mon carrier ______________ - __ _ Assumption of obligations _______ _ Control, etc., unlawful except as pro- vided; forms of indirect controL .. A ff il iated person" defined ______ _ .. Control" construed to include power to exercise __________ _ Investigations authorized; discontin- uance of violations ___________ _ Control, interfering with consoli- dation plan or carrier's inde- pendence; restraining order __ Suspension of proceedings in cer- tain cases _________________ _ Violations, ju~isdiction of district courts ____________________ _ Investigations authorized-Contd. Relief from operation of alltitrust 214 laws _______________ . _ . - - ____ 219 Separability of provisions_ _______ 219 214 " Person" and "carrier" defined __ 219 215 Provisions, as amended, to remain in 215 force________________________ 220 215 "Rates" defined; consideration to rate-making rules _____________ 220 General railroad contingent fund to 215 be liquidated_________________ 220 Computation of tax liabilities for any 21;; period after Feb. 28,1920______ 220 Valuation of property of carriers; 215 classification and inventory _ _ _ _ 221 215 Changes in, carriers to make re- ports, etc __ . _______________ 221 216 Separability of provhions_ __ _______ __ 221 216 Emergency Relief Act. See Federal Emergency Relief Act, 1933. 216 Emergency Relief and Construction Act: Amendments- 216 Administrator of Public Works to have access to files, etc_ _ ____ __ 210 Federal aid highways, amounts ad- 216 vanced for work on, only if com- pletion before September 1, 1934 _ 352 216 Loans for repair of earthquake damages _________________ 20,99,121 216 Collateral required; reconstruction 217 of private property; public property including school dis- tricts, etc_________________ 121 954 Maturityofobligations__________ 121 Aggregate amount of loans _____ 121,283 When project deemed self-liquida- 217 ting_______________________ 121 Public-building sites, acquisition un- dcrprovisionsof _____________ 203,1062 217 Termination of power to approve 218 applications __________________ 210 Issue of funds to borrower if appli- 218 cationapprovedpriorto_____ 210 218 Roads through public lands, expendi- turesas providedin _____________ 204 218 Unobligatcd balances allocated to Sec- retary of Agriculture, availahle for 219 Farm Credit Administration _____ 258 "Employee" : Construed in Act to maintain credit of 219 Government- _________________ _ 12 Defined in Emergenry R..'l.ilroad Trans- 219 portation ArC _______ . ________ _ 211 Employees. 8ee Economy in Govern- 219 ment.