Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1385

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Ix viii INDEX. International Bureau for Protection of Page. Industrial Property, appropriation for contribution_____ _______ __________ 534 International Bureau for Publication of Customs Tariffs, appropriation for contriuution_____ ____ _____________ 534 International Bureau of Permanent Court of Arbitration, appropriation for con- tribution_ ___________________ _____ 534 International Bureau of Weights and Measures, appropriation for con- tribution_ _________ _______________ 53·1 International Conference for Revising the Industrial Property Convention, ap- propriation for participation expenses_ 1040 International Conference of American States, Seventh, Montevideo, Uru- guay, sum available for participa- tion_____________________________ 99 International Council of Scientific Unions, sUln authorized for annual share_ ___ 976 International F~sheries Commission, ap- propriation for contribution_ _______ 536 Internationa.l Hydrographic Bureau, ap- propriation for contribution_ _______ 534 International Institute of Agriculture, Rome, Italy, appropriation for par- ticipation expenses and contribu- tion ______________________ 303,534,1039 International Joint Commission, Unitcd States and Great Britain, appropria- tion for _______________________ 535,1039 International Labor Organization, accept- ance of membership in, authorized_ _ 1182 International Map of the World on the Millionth Scale, appropriation for eontribution____ ___________ _______ 534 International Monetary and Economic Conference, balances reappropriated for ________ . __________________ 278, 1041 International Obligations: Appropriation for contribution, quotas, etc. - Aerial Legal Experts, International Technical Committee of _ _ _ ____ 534 Africa, Convention Relating to Liquor Traffic irL _____________ 534 Agriculture, International Institute of ______ . __________________ 303,534 American seamen, rescue, relief, etc., of __________________________ _ Cape Spartel and Tangier Light, Morocco ____________________ _ Childhood, American International Institute for Protection oL ____ _ Customs Tariffs, Irlternational Bu- reau for Publication of, appro- priation for (')ntribution ______ _ Fisheries Commisaion, InternationaL 533 534 534 534 536 International Obligations-Continued. Page. Appropriation for contribution, quotas, etc.- Continued. Forest Research Stations, Interna- tional Union oL______________ 483 Gorgas Memorial Laboratory _______ 534 Hydrographic Bureau, InternatiunaL 534 Industrial Propert.y, I ntefllational Bureau for Protecti')n of __ _____ 534 International Arbitration, Bureau of Interparliamentary Union fur Promotion oL________________ 534 Internatiollal Boundary Commission, Lnited States and Mexico______ 534 International Boundary Commis- sion, United States-Canada and Alaska-Canada_ _ _____________ 535 International Joint Commission, rnited Stutes and Great Britain_ 535 Map of the World, IlIternationaL___ 534 Panama, payment to government of _ 534 Pan American Sanitary Bureau _____ 534 Pan American lJnioIl______________ 534 Permanent Court of Arbitration, International Bureau of ________ 534 Prison Commission, InternationaL __ 534 Production Control Committees, InternationaL ________________ 498 Public Health, International Office of___________________________ 534 Radiotelegraphic Convention, Inter- nationaL ____________________ 534 Seed Testing CJngress, Intema- tionaL _____ . ________________ 480 Statistical Burell'l, InternationaL ___ 534 Trade-Mark Registration Bureau, IllternatiOlnL ________________ 534 Waterways Treaty, United States and Great Britain _____________ 535 Weights and Measures, Interna- tional Bureau oL _ ____________ 534 Wheat Ad,-isory Committee, Inter- nationaL ____________________ 498 Deficiency appropriation for contribu- tion, quotas, etc.- Agriculture, International Institute of, partic:pation expenses and cOlltribution_ ____________ _____ 1039 American seamen, rescue, relief, etc., of __________________________ _ Financial Conference, Third Pan American ___________________ _ General and Special Claims Con- ventions, United States and Mexico _____________________ _ General Claims Commission, United States and Panama __________ _ General Disarmament Conference __ _ 1039 1040 1041 1040 1041