Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1390

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INDEX. lxxiii Labor-Continued. Labor Boards. See National Indus- trial Labor Boards. Public works, construction projects, Pagl'. contract provisions concerning_ ___ 204 Convict labor prohibited; thirty- hour week; wage scales; prefer- ences ______________________ 204,205 Rates of pay contracted for, deductions prohibited _ _ _ __________________ 948 l~enalty provisions_ ________ _______ 948 Regulations for enforcement to be prescribed_ __ _________________ 948 Weekly sworn statement to be sub- mitted_ ______________________ 948 Labor, Department of: Appropriation for- Children's Bureau_________________ 570 Contingent expenses_______________ 568 Employment Service______________ 570 Housing Corporation_ _____________ 571 Immigration and Naturalization Serv- ice__________________________ 569 Immigration stations, remodeling, ('tc________________________ 570 Law enforcement, coast and land border patrol, etc_ __________ 569 Labor Statistics, Bureau of _________ 569 Cost of living in United States, im"estigation oL ____________ 569 Printing and binding_ _________ ____ 568 Secretary, Office oL _______________ 568 Salaries, etc", Secretary, office per- sonnel, and commissioners of conciliation_ ________________ 568 \Vomen's Bureau_ _ _ ___ _________ __ 570 Deficiency appropriation for- Audited c1aims_ 103,282, 1049, 1052, 1055 Damage claims_ __ ________________ 1045 Immigration Bureau_______________ 98 Vigliotti, Joseph, refund to_ ______ 98 Judgments_______________________ 1046 United States Employment Service_ _ 278 Employment Service, abolition of. See National Cooperutivc Employ- ment Scrvice_________________ 113 Housing Corporation- Expenditure of prior appropriations, restriction_____ __ _____________ 571 Salary restrictions_____________ _ 571 Immigration and Naturalization Serv- ice, payment of rewards for detec- tion, etc., oClaw violations_ ___ ____ 570 J>olitieal or religiolls refugc('s, applica- tion for rpgistry _________ ____ ____ 926 Statistieal studies, authority to make_ _ 582 Labor Statistics, Bureau of. See Labor, Department of. Ladd, Jed P., may bridge Lake Cham- Page. plain at East Alburg, Vt-__________ 162 Lady Island, Wash., dam from Camas Slough to, on Columbia River_______ 946 Lafayette Memorial Day, issue of procla- mation for observance _________ . _ _ _ _ 784 Laguna and Acoma Indians, N.Mex., ap- propri:::.tion for irrigation syst-euL ___ 371 Lake Bemidji, Minn., bridge authorized aeross Mississippi River aL___ _____ 573 Lake Champlain: Bridge authorized across at- East Alburg, Vt__________________ 162 West Swanton, Vt________________ 988 Lake City, Ark., bridge aeross Saint Francis River at, legalized_ ________ 651 Lake Sabine, bridge authorized across at Port Arthur, Tex__________________ 1008 Land Bank Commissioner. See also Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Act. Designation changed from Farm Loan Commissioner_ _ _____________ ___ 273 Membership, board of Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation___________ 344 Lane, Harry H., acceptance of foreign decoration_________ _____ ___ ____ ___ 1267 LangeJl Valley Irrigation District: Construction charges, suspension of, on unproductive, etc., lands within; reduction of water service_ _______ 1266 Resumption of, if land found produc- tive_________________________ 1266 Langley Memorial Aeronautical Labora- tory, approprintion for ___ __________ 294 Lassen Volcanic National Park, Calif., ap- propriation for administration, etc_ _ 386 Latin America, appropriation for develop- ment of commerce in_ _____________ 548 Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, appropria- tion for envoy extraordinary, etc., to_ 530 Lawrence, Mass., bridge authorized across Merrimack River aL___ ____ _______ 1012 Laws, Committee on Revision of, appropri- ation for_________________________ 1023 Leavenworth, Kans., appropriation for penitentiary maintenanee_ _________ 544 Lederer, John C., payment of rlaim of l'S- tate oL ___ . ______________________ 1055 Lee, Clarence V., payment tIL __________ 2S1 Legislative Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1933, sections rcpcaled_ ___ _________ 14 Legislative Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1934, llPPrfJpriations twailable, for mileage find stationery allowa.nee, llIemhl'rs of Congress______________ 8 Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1935. See L(·"e Branch of thc Government.