Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1392

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INDEX. Ixxv Lelislative Branch of the Government- Pilce. Continued. Deficiency appropriation for-Contd. House of Representatives-Contd. Spcaker's Table, salaries of Parlia- mentarian and Assistant in- creased ___________________ _ Telegraph and telephone service __ United States Code, newedition __ Watson, Henry W., payment to 1024 1024 1024 widowof___________________ 1022 Senate _____________________ 97,274,1021 Dale, Porter H., payment to widow of_________________________ 1021 Folding speeches and pamphlets_ __ 1021 Howell, Alice C., payment to_____ 97 Inquiries and investigations ____ 274, 1021 Kendrick, John B., payment to widow oL__________________ 1021 Miscellaneous items___________ 97,1021 Pages, pay of- First session, 73d Congress ____ _ June 16-30, 1933 _____________ _ Police force for Senate Office Build- 29 274 ing________________________ 97 Walsh, Nieves Maria P. C ., pay- mentto____________________ 97 Private vehicle restriction___ _______ 833 Legislative Counsel, Office of, appropria- tion for__________________________ 826 Legislative Reference Service, appropria- tion for__ _______ ____ __ __ __ __ _____ 829 Leland Oil Works. payment to__________ 101 Lepers, appropriation for care, transpor- tation, etc., oL ________________ 404,1037 Levee Districts. loans to, by Reconstruc- tion Finance Corporation_ ____ 49, 308, 1269 Lewis. Elmer A., appropriation for salary ___________________________ ~ 823 Lewis River, Wash., preliminary examina- tion authorized____________________ 954 Lexington, Ky •• appropriation for narcotic farm____________ _____ ___ __ ____ ___ 438 Liberia, appropriation for envoy ex- traordinary, etc., to_______________ 530 Liberty Loan Act, Second: Bond issues; deposit of proceeds of sales, Treasury bills_ ____________ 343 National Industrial Recovery Act, authority of Secretary of Treasury to borrow under, to meet expeil..,es authorized by Act______________ 206 Purchase of Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation bonds from proceeds from sale of bonds hereafter issued under_________________________ 346 United States notes, amount of issue increased ________ ___ __ _____ ____ 343 Library of Congress. See also Legislative Pace. Branch of the Government. Annex construction, National Industrial Recovery Act___________________ 202 Chief, Division of Manuscripts, to be member of National Historical Publications Commission________ _ Librarian to be member of National Archives Council. ______________ _ Licenses, issue of, to business enterprises when unfair practices in trade, etc __ _ Liens, discharge of ___________________ _ Life Insurance Act, District of Columbia: TabJe of contents___________________ _ Chapter I-Title and definitions _____ _ Chapter II-Powers and duties of Su- perintendent; general provisions __ Chapter III-Domestic companies ___ _ Chapter IV-Admission of foreign and alien companies________________ _ Chapter V-Provisions relating to all life insurance companies_________ _ Chapter VI-Penalties; constitution- ality __________________________ _ Life-Saving Service, Coast Guard, appro- priation for retired pay to members of______________________________ _ Lighthouses, Bureau of. See Commerce, Department of. Lincoln, Abraham: Appropriation for- Care, etc., of house in which he died __ Memorial maintenance, etc________ _ Lincoln, Nebr•• appropriation to restore mineral water on site of post office building at. _____________________ _ Liqueurs, tax on. See Liquor Taxing Act of 1934. Liquors: Distilled spirits, disposition of sub- stances used in manufacture of, information required on ________ _ Regulation of traffic in containcrs of_ Liquors, Medicinal, prescribing of _____ _ Liquor stamps. See Distilled Spirits and Wine. Liquor Taxing Act of 1934: Revenue Act of 1918, tlmendmcnts- Distilled spirits; rate of tax on gen- erally; when withdrawn for bev- erage purposes ______________ _ Tax on imported perfumes con- taining ___________________ _ Drawbaek rate on I'xportation of __ Tax on deficicneies in production of ________________________ _ Still wines, rates of tax OIL _______ _ Sparkling wines, rates of tax OIL __ _ 1123 1123 197 758 1125 1127 1129 1142 1154 1156 1176 432 295 295 1205 1020 1020 23 313 ~13 313 3J.l 314