Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1407

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xc INDEX. Oregon-Continued. Page. School District 28, Deschutes County, conveyance to__________________ 350 Time extended for bridging Columbia River__________________________ 804 Yaquina Bay Lighthouse Reservation, disposal of portion authorized_____ 1198 Organized Reserves, Army. See also National Defense Act, Amendments. Appropriation for pay, etc., oL_______ 634 Orland Irrigation Project, Calif., appro- priation fOf-______________________ 380 Orlando, Fla., term of United States Court for Florida southern judicial district to be held at_____________________ 147 Osage Indians, Okla., appropriation for agency support, etc., from tribal funds____________________________ 378 Ottoman Empire, appropriation for Ameri- can convict prison maintenance_ ___ 536 Ouachita National Forest, game refuge created__________________________ 128 Owensboro, Ky.: Bridge authorized across Ohio River aL 1016 Time extended for bridging Ohio River at_______________________________ 118 Owyhee Irrigation Project, Oreg., appro- priation for_______________________ 381 Oyster Planters, loans to, by production credit associations authorized_ ______ 983 Ozette Railway Co., modification of log- hauling contracts, Quinault Indian Reservation, Wash________________ 910 P Pacific Coast, appropriation for surveys_ _ 558 Packers and Stockyards Act, appropria- tion for enforcement oL___ _________ 477 Pages, Senate and House of Representa- tives: Appropriation for pay of, 1st session, 73d Congress__________ .. ________ 29 Deficiency appropriation for pay of, June 16-30,1933________________ 274 Paint Rock River, Ala., preliminary ex- amina!,tion authorized_ _____________ 952 Paiute Indians, Nev., appropriation for payment of reclamation charges against lands oL__________________ 371 Palm Kernel Oil, processing tax on______ 763 Palm Oil, processing tax OIL ___________ 763 Palo Verde Valley, Calif., balance con- tinued for protection oL ___________ 98 Panama: Appropriation for- Envoy extraordinary, etc., to_______ 530 Pavment to the Government oC ____ 534 Gent::al Claims Commission, United States and, appropriation con- tinued availablc________________ 1040 Panama Canal Zone: Page. Appropriation for- Alien cripples, payment to___ _______ 641 American seamen, relief, etc., oL___ _ 533 Civil government eXJ>enses_ ________ 641 District Court, salaries of officials, etc__________________________ 541 Governor, salary oL _____________ _ Hospital care, Army officers, etc ___ _ Madden Dam construction, etc ____ _ Maintenance and operation expenses_ Repatriation of certain unemployed aliells ______________________ _ Sanitation, etc ___________________ _ Seacoast defenses ________________ _ Supplies, etc ____________________ _ Waterworks, etc., operation in Panama and Colon ___________ _ Alcoholic beverages, regulations by Presidcnt _____________________ _ Penalty provisions _______________ _ Laws, etc., repealed ______________ _ Elfective date ___________________ _ Code of Laws for, established _______ _ Communications Act of 1934 not to 641 628 641 640 670 641 631 641 642 1116 1116 1116 1117 1122 apply to ___________________ 1065,1092 Disposition of moneys received by _ _ __ 641 Emergency Agricultural Relief Act, provisions not applicable to _____ _ Employees of- Annual leave provisions of Economy Act not applicable to _________ _ Retirement provisions; annuity pay- ment \\ hen involuntarily sepa- rated; deduction _____________ _ Reemployment; subsequent annu- ity rights ___________________ _ Highways, construction, etc., funds for_ Public works, National Industrial Re- covery Act _________________ _ Sugar import quota and restrictions __ _ Panama City, Panama: Appropriation for- Hydrographic office expenses ______ _ Waterworks, sewers and pavemellts_ Panama Railroad: 37 14 306 306 204 202 672 424 642 Appropriation for supplies, etc., for _ __ 641 Dhposition of moneys received by _ _ __ 641 Exception of, in collision damage claims settlement.. _ _ ______ ____________ 1037 Pan American }'inancial Conference, Third, appropriation for participation expellses_ ________________________ 1040 Pan American Petroleum Company, At- torney General and Secretary of the Navy authorized to release daims of Pnitcd States against certain assets of_______________________________ 31 Pan American Sanitary Bureau, appro- priation fur ("ontriimtiolL __________ 534