Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1409

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00 xell INDEX. Petersburg, Va., appropriation for Federal Page. Reformatory Camp_______________ 545 Petroleum. See also Oil. Penalties and awards to informers with respect to illegally produced_ _____ 759 Producers' tax on crude_ _ _ _ _ ________ 766 Refining tax on_____________________ 767 Petroleum Exposition. See International Petroleum Exposition. Petroleum Industry, appropriation for administering, etc., provisions of Na- tional Recovery Act and Code of Fair Competition for______________ 1057 Petroleum Reserves, Naval, appropria- tion for operation, etc_ ____________ 405 Phelps Vocational School, D.C ., appro- priation for ________________ 235,860,861 Philadelphia, Pa.: Appropriation for-- Hydrographic office expenses_ ______ 424 Mint ___________________________ .. 437 Naval home maintenance, etc ______ 408 Federal Reserve Bank of, reimburse- ment for cost of shipments of cash by armored motor car___________ 1042 Philippine Insurrection: Date of beginning and ending to be fixed by PresidenL______________ 9 Veterans of- Domiciliary care of permanently disabled _ _ _ __________________ 9 Pension payment to _______________ 8 Repeal of public laws granting care, compensation, etc., to __ . _____ 11 Philippine Islands: Appropriation for-- American seamen, relief, etc., oL _ __ 533 Postal equipment for use in ___ . ____ 448 Acceptance of deposits of Government's funds, authorized_ ______________ 929 Coconut oil, processing tax orL __ 763 Communications Act of 1934 not to apply to ___________________ 1065,1092 Compensation of officers and employees reduced; exception_ _____________ 307 Currency reserves on deposit in the United States, readjustment oL __ 1115 Emergency Agricultural Relief Act, provisions not applicable to_ _____ 37 Independence of- Constitution; convention to frame; character of, mandatory pro- visions_ _____________________ 456 Submission of, to President of United States; to Filipino people_____________________ 456 Property and rights, transfer to com- monwealti' . __________________ 459 Relations with Jnited States pending complete independence_________ 459 Philippme Islands-Continued. Pare. Independence of-Continued. Recognition of independence and withdrawal of American sover- eignty_______________________ 463 Neutralization of islands_ __________ 463 Notification to foreign governments_ 463 Tari!f duties after independence ____ 464 I mmigration after independence_ ___ 464 Statutes continued in force_ _______ 464 Effective date____________________ 465 Officers' Reserve Corps, elegibility of citizens of, for commissions in_ ____ 939 Refunds on export of processed com- modity to______________________ 40 Resident Commissioners, commence- ment of term of office_ __ ________ 879 Rules, dc., governing acquisition, etc., of gold, not applicable to ________ 340 Sugar import quota and restrictions_ __ 672 Phillipsburg, N.J ., bridge authorized across Delaware River at__________ 356 Phillips, Hugh J., payment of interest on judgment in favor oL_____________ 1047 Phoenix, Ariz., appropriation for educa- tion of Indians_ __________________ 372 Phony Peach Disease, appropriation for control, etc_______________________ 486 Pierre, S.Dak., appropriation for educa- tion of Indians_ __________________ 373 Pike National Forest, lands added to___ _ 657 Pioneer National Monument, establish- ment____________________________ 982 Pipestone, Minn., appropriation for edu- cation of Indians__________________ 372 Pittsburgh and Midway Coal Mining Co., payment to ___ .. _______________ ___ 101 Pittsburgh, Pa.: Appropriation (or mining station, eare, ctc____________________________ 564 Construction of bridges authorized across- Allegheny River _ _________________ 837 Monongahela River___ ____ _____ ___ 837 Plant Dust Explosions, appropriation for investigation, etc _ _ _ ______________ 485 Planters' Cotton Oil Co., payment to ____ 101 Planters' ManuI'acturing Co., payment to_ 101 Plant Indust...y, Bureau or. See Agricul- ture, Department of. Plant-Nutrition Investigations, appropria- tion for__________________________ 480 Plant Quarantine. See also Entomology and Plant Quarantine. EI Paso, Tex., lease of quarters for ____ 1119 Platt National Park, Okla., appropriation for administration, etc___ __________ 387 Plattsburg Barr leks Military Reservation, snle of part authorized_____________ 399