Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1432

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IYDEX. cxv Securities Exchange Act of 1934-Contd. Page. Registration requirements for securi- ties ___________ .. _______________ 892 Transactions in unregistered securi- ties unlawfuL ________________ 892 Application for registration; filing; contents_____________________ 892 Documents to be filed with commis- sion_________________________ 893 Effective date of registration _ _ _____ 893 Study of trading in unlisted securi- ties to be made by Commission; report to Congrcss_ _ __________ 893 Reports of issuer of security __________ 894 Requirement; form_______________ 894 Reports of carriers under Interstate Commerce Act _______________ 895 Proxies, solicitation and use of ____ ____ 895 Over-the-counter markets, regulations_ 895 Directors, officers, and principal stock- holders _______________ .. ________ 896 Statements to be filed by; monthly reports of changes in ownership_ 896 Information concerning profits real- ized by______________________ 896 Transactiolls prohibited to _________ 897 Accounts and records, reports, exami- nation of exchange, and members_ 897 Requirements_ _ __ ________________ 897 Misleading statements, liability for____ 897 Powers with respect to exchanges and securities __ __ __________________ 898 Authority of Commission when viola- tions of act or regulations_ _____ 898 To compel amendment of exchange rules______________________ 898 Rules of security exchanges, study authorized _ __ ________________ 898 Liabilities of controlling persons_ _ ____ 899 Investigations; injunctiolls, and prose- cution of offenses_ _ _ ____________ 899 Authority of Commission _ _ ________ 899 Hearings of Commission_ ____________ 901 Rules and regulations_ _ _ ____________ 901 Annual report to Congress_ _ _________ 901 Information filed with Commission, confidential nature of ________ .. ___ 901 Court review of orders of Commission _ 901 Proccdure___________ .. ________ .__ 902 Unlawful representations____________ 902 Jurisdi{·tion of offenses and suits; enforcement provisions_ _ _ __ ____ 902 Rights and remedies, additional to existing law _______________ . _. __ 903 Jurisdiction of state commissions not affected __________________ 903 Contracts and conditions therein, va. - lidity of ____________________ . . _ 903 Foreign security exchanges, unlawful transactions on ________________ _ 904 Securities Exchange Act of 1934-Contd. Registration fees; payment ________ -- Penalty provisions ________________ -- Saving clause ______________________ - Effective date ___________________ . -- Securities Act of 1933-Amendments. See Securities Act of 1933. Securities and Exchange Commissa In. See Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Seeds and Grasses, appropriation for study, etc., of commerciaL ________ _ Seed Testing Congress, International, appropriation for contribution _____ _ Seignoriage, amount of, to be collected for coinage of foreign-produced silver to be prescribed by PresidenL _______ _ Seminole Indians: Appropriation for expenses of attorneys Pace. 904 904 905 905 480 480 343 for____________________________ 377 Payments to, from tribal funds_______ 146 Senate. See also Congress; Legislative Branch of the Government. Compensation reduction, employees of ____________________________ 15,521 Corporation of Foreign Bondholders Act, 1933, annual report to_______ 95 Farm Credit Administration, confirma- tion of appointed commissioners_ _ 273 Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- tion, confirmation of appoin~i\'~ members, board of directors_ _____ 168 Federal Emergency Relief Administra- tor- Confirmation oL__________________ 56 Monthly report transmitted to__ . ___ 57 National Cooperative Employment Service, confirmation of director __ 113 Post Office Department, salary pay- ment forbidden to person whose nomination not appro\'ed by __ ___ 450 Salary reductions, Vice President and members oL ___________________ 14,521 Tennessee Valley Corporation directors; appointment by President with consent oL_____________________ 59 Removal by concurrent resolution_ _ 60 Senate Committee on the Library, Chair- man to be member of National Ar- chives CounciL_________________ 1123 Senate Office Building. appropriation for maintenance, et.c . ____ _ _ __ _ _ _ 97, 827, 1025 Senators. See also Congress; Legislative Branch of the Government; Senate. Compensation and mileage of, fiscal year for adjustment of accounts for____ 1022 Compensation of, commencement sala- ries ___________________________ _ Appointment of clerical assistants __ DocuUlcnts, allotment of____________ _ I"ranking privilege __________________ _ 1022 1022 1017 1018