Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1435

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ex viii INDEX. State Banks: Page. Authority of Reconstruction Finance Corporation to make loans or subscribe to preferred stock oL ___ 6 Direct loans to, by Federal Reserve banks, authorized_______________ 20 State Bank and Trust Companies. See Banking Act of 1933. State, Department of. See al80 Foreign Service; International Obligations. Appropriation for- Contingent expenses____ ___________ 529 Convicts, prisons abroad for________ 53G Criminals, expenses of bringing home from abroad__________________ 536 Investigations regarding official mat- ters_________________________ 537 Losses of officers, etc., in foreign countries, due to currency ap- preciation ________________ - __ _ Passport agencies ________________ _ Printing and binding __________ - __ _ Salaries, Secretary, Under Secretary, and personneL ___________ - _- _ Territorial papers, collecting and editing _____________________ _ Deficiency appropriation for- 834 530 530 529 530 Audited claims _______ 103,282,1049,1053 Contingent expenses_ _____________ 1038 Criminals, expenses of bringing home from abroad ______________ - - -_ Foreign trade, promotion of____ - - - - International monetary and eco- nomic conference, London ___ .. _ Judgments ______________________ _ Mixed Claims Commission, United Sh.tes and Germany _________ _ Salaries_________________________ _ Arms and munitions of war sales to countries engaged in armed con- flict in Chaco, authority Jf Presi- 10391 1038 1 278 1046 278 1038 dent to prohibiL _ _____ _________ 811 Citizenship and naturalization. See citizenship and naturalization. Corporation of Foreign Bondholders Act, offenses under; claiming to represent, etc___________________ 95 Extradition of fugitive to country in which United States exercises extraterritorial jurisdiction ___ ____ 454 Foreign decorations, authorizing certain officers or employees of, to accept_ 1267 List of persons for whom intended to be furnished Congress_________ 1267 Foreign governments in default in obli- gations to United States, financial transactions with prohibited______ 574 Historical Ad 'iser, member, National Historical Publications Commis- sion___________________________ 1123 State, Department oC-Continued. Information for corporations, etc., lexpenses of securing ___________ _ Intdnational Council of Scientific Cnions, sum authorized for annual share_________________________ _ International Labor Organization, membership of United States____ _ International tribunals, authority of L"nited States Agent to obtain testi- mony, etc_____________________ _ J~afayette Memorial Day proclama- tioll, issue of ____________ - _____ _ Losses ~f officers, etc., of, in foreign countries, due to foreign cllrrency appreciation, annual appropriation_ Naval vesscl cOllstruction, suspension of, if United Statcs signatory to nayal armament limitation agree- Incnt _________________________ _ Public works construction under treaty obligations____________________ _ Purchascs without advcrtising- ______ _ Records of Government, protection of_ Rent restriction in United States _____ _ Pan American Sanitary Conference at Page. 536 976 1182 117 784 466 505 201 536 122 536 Buenos Aires, sum for expenses of delegates_ ______________________ 1182 Pulaski Mcmorial Day proclamation, issue of________________________ 784 Reciprocal trade agreements. See Tar- iff Act of 1930, amendment~. Seamen from &hipwrccked fishing and whaling vcssels, care and transpor- tation _________________________ 395 Slip laws; number; printing_ _________ 949 Suspension of naval, etc., construction in evcnt of international agreemcnt for armament limitation_ ________ 202 State Laws, appropriation to aid in sup- port of National Conference of Com- missionersOIl.__________________ 228, 852 State Legislation, appropriation for pre- paring index and digest of _________ 829 States: Administrative boards of, jurisdiction of United States courts of suits relating to orders of, limited_ ___ 775 Chinch bug control, cooperation of Federal Government for _________ 926 Compacts between, for assistance in crime suppression authorized_ ____ 909 Cooperation of }<'ederal Government with, to relieve distress. See Fed- eral Emergency Relief Act, 1933. National employment service estab- lished for promotion of employ- mentin________________________ 113 State Advisory Councils, establish- Dlcnt________________________ 117