Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1440

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INDEX. cxxiii Treasury Department-Continued. Page. Deficiency appropriation for- Audited claims __ 103,282, 1049, 1053, 1055 Bookkeeping and Warrants, Division of ________________________ . 1042 Contingent exp en ses, pu bli c money_____________________ 1042 Customs, Bureau oL ______________ 1043 Border patrol buildings, improve- ments, etc __________________ 1043 Motor vehiclcs ________________ - 1043 Damage claims ____________ 100,280,1045 Judgments ____________________ 101,1046 Pro cur e men t Division-Public Works Branch________________ 1043 Furniture and repairs of same ___ _ 1043 New York, Federal Office Build- ing, limit of cost increased_ _ _ 1043 Rent of temporary quarters_ _____ 1043 Public Debt Service, distinctive paper for United States secur- itics ______________________ - - - 1043 Secretary's Office ______________ 279, 1042' Danish West Indian coiml of Virgin Islands, recoinage of _________ 1042 Federal Deposit Insurance Cor- poration, payment for capital stock oL __________________ -: . 279 Federal land banks, payment~ on account of reductions in in- tercst rate on mortgagcs; subscriptions to paid-in sur- pius oL ___________________ _ Federal Savings and Loan Associa- tions, subscriptions to pre- ferred shares in ____________ _ Supervising Architect's Office, equip- ment, Agricultural Department 279 27!l Treasury Department-Continued. International Petroleum Exposition Tulsa, Okla., importation, duty free, articles for exhibition _______ _ Maryland, coinage to commemorate founding of ___________________ _ Naval vessel construction, excess prof- its on contract price, return to ___ _ Philippine Islands, acceptance of de- posits of government funds, au- thorized ______________________ _ Procurement Division- Public Works Branch; appropriation not to be used for Coast Guard, etc., buildings _______________ _ Supply Branch- Fuel inspection requirements limi- tation ____________________ _ General supply fund, advances credited to ________________ _ Permanent capital increased ___ _ Payments for material, etc., issued_ Transfer of funds available ______ _ Typewriters, prices, repairs______ _ Public Debt Service, price limitation. distinctive paper for United States securities, repealed _____________ _ Railroad retirement fund, mainte!",ance_ Secret Service Division, detection, etc., of violators, Federal Deposit In- surance Corporation AcL _______ _ Silver. See Silver Purchase Actof 1934. Solicitor and Assistant Solicitor, offices abolished _____________________ _ Trading with Enemy Act amendment- . Claim by former enemy or ally of Pace. 397 679 505 929 438 438 438 437 437 437 438 669 1286 179 759 enemy _______________________ 510 Deductions from money, etc., held_ __ 510 buildings ____________________ _ 279 Recovery of sums deducted_ ______ 510 Arkansas, coinage authorized to com- memorate anniversay of admis- sion into l;nion ________________ _ Assistants, appointment, etc., by Secre- tary __________________________ _ Bonds, United States, authorize pay- ments on 10sL _____ .. ____ ____ ___ _ Chicago World's Fair, importation of exhibits, regUlations ___________ _ Claims examination and settlement, appropriation authorized ________ _ Connecticut, coinl\ge authorized to commemorate anniversary of founding___ - __________________ _ Cotton-ginning tax, collection oL _____ _ Daniel Boone Bicentennial, coinage to commemorate _________________ _ Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, membership of officer on board of __ General Counsel, office of, crcated____ _ Travel expenses of civilians when trans- ferred; restriction___ ____________ 450 776 Vchicles, restriction on purchase, ex- change, use, etc____ _____________ 450 759 Treasury Department Appropriation Act. 1935. See Treasury Department. 571 Treaties and Conventions. See Postal Treaties and Conventions. 793 Trenton, N. J .• time extended for bridging Delaware River at_ _______________ 355 1018 .. Trust Companies. See also Banking Act , of 1933. Direct loans to, by Federal Reserve 1200 605 banks, authorized _______________ 20 Truxton Canyon Indian Reservation. Ariz., appropriation for eradication 807 of scabies ________________________ 98 Tuberculosis. appropriation for investi- gating, in animals_________________ 475 344 Tuberculosis Hospital. D . C.• appropria- 758 tion for ________________________ 245,8iO