Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1446

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INDEX. • CXXlX Washington: Page. Appropriation for- Indians, support, etc., of- 369, 371, 375, 377 Mount Ranier National Park admin- istration_________ _____________ 386 National forest administration______ 482 Washington-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System, appropriation for operation, etc., expenses_ __________ 639 Washington, George. See George Waah- ington Bicentennial Commission. Washington Home for Foundlings. See District of Columbia. Washington Home for Incurables, D.C ., appropriation for ________________ 245,869 Washington, Mo.: Bridge authorized across Missouri River aL_______________________ 152 Time extended for bridging________ 1015 Washington Monument, D.C•• appropria- tion for maintenance, etc_ _________ 295 Waterways Treaty. United States and Great Britain. appropriation for ex- penses under __________________ 535, 1039 Watson, Henry W., payment to widow of_______________________________ 1022 Weather Bureau. See Agriculture, De- partment of. Weber, Charles H., payment to, con- tested-election expenses____________ 1023 Weights and Measures, International Bureau of. appropriation for con- tribution____ ______ ____ ___________ 534 Weirton Steel Co•• counsel in case of- ___ 590 Weldon Springs, Mo., time extended for bridging Missouri River at_ ________ 357 Western Irrigation Agriculture, appro- priation for ______ ________________ _ 480 West Swanton, Vt., bridge authorized across Lake Champlain at_ _______ 162, 988 West Virginia. appropriation for national forest administration_ _____________ 482 Whale Oil, tax on_____________________ 762 Whaling Industry, loans to, authorized, from Merchant Mllrine loan con- struction fund_ ___________________ 596 Whaling vessels. care and transportation of shipwrecked seamen from_ _______ 395 Wheat, processing of. See Agricultural Adjustment Act. Wheat Advisory Committee, Interna- tional, appropriation for contribu- tion_____________________________ 498 Wheeling, W.Va., bridge authorized across Ohio River at_ __________ _______ ___ 774 Wheelock Academy, Okla., appropriation for education of Indians_ __________ 373 Whitehaven Parkway, D.C•• adjustment of boundaries_____________________ 575 White House Police, appropriation for Page. salaries, uniforms, etc_ _____________ 434 Wichita National Forest, appropriation for maintenance of herd of long- horned cattle_ ____________________ 482 WUlard, Arthur L., acceptance of foreign decoration______ ________ __________ 1267 Wilmington and Pennsgrove Transporta- tion Co., payment to_ _____________ 280 Wilmington, Del., exchange of lands with, authorized__________________ 1205 Wilsey, G. H ., time extended for bridging Des Moines River_________________ 358 Wilson, James. memorial in honor of, authorized in Department of Agri- culture_ __________________________ 977 Wind Cave National Park, S.Dak.. appro- priation for administration. etc _____ 387 Wind River Indian Reservation. Wyo., appropriation for irrigation of addi- tional lands_ _____________________ 371 Wines. See also Liquor Taxing Act of 1934. Tax on____________________________ 16 Spirits used in fortification oL __ _ __ 314 Wire Communication. See Communica- tions Act of 1934. Wisconsin: Appropriation for- Indians, support, ete., oL ________ 375,377 National forest administration_ _____ 482 Per capita payment to Menominee Indians________________________ 112 Witnesses, United States Courts: Appropriation for fees, etc_________ 542,1037 Interstate flight of, to avoid giving tes- timony in criminal proceedings, punishment for ________ __________ 782 Women. See Married Women. Women's Bureau. See Labor, Depart- ment of. Woodrow Wilson Senior High School, D.C., appropriation for __ -- ---- --- 859,860 Wool, appropriation for marketing studies 495 World War: Date of termination_ ________________ 9 Retirement pay of disabled officer serving during__________________ 10 World War Records, appropriation for assembling, ete________ ____________ 614 World War Veterans. See also Veterans' Administration. Domiciliary care of permanently dis- abled__________________________ 9 Funds for aid to indigent, convention held in Washington, May 1933___ 303 Pension payment to _________________ 8 Repeal of public laws granting care, compensation, etc., to___________ 11