Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/17

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xix Page . Apprehending persons charged with crime . AN ACT To authorize an appropriation of money to facilitate the apprehension of certain persons charged with crime--June 6, 1934__ 910 Cotton Act of 1934, administering oaths . JOINT RESOLUTION Empowering certain agents authori zed by the S ecretary of Agriculture t o administer oaths to ap plicants for tax- exemption certificates under the Cotton Act of 1934 June 6, 1934-- 911 Bankr uptcy Act of 1898, amendment . AN ACT To amend an Act entitl ed "An Act to est abli sh a uni form sys tem of b ankr uptc y thr ough out the Unit ed S tate s", appr oved July 1, 1898, and Acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto_ _June 7, 1934-- 911 General Federation of Women's Clubs . AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act grant ing a charter to the General Federation of Women's Clubs" "June 7, 1934_ - 925 Court of A peals far District of Columbia, designation c hanged. AN ACT To amend an Act of Congress approved February 9, 1893, entitled " An Act to establish a court of appeals for the District of Columbia, and for other purposes June 7, 1934--

926 Chinch bug control . JOI NT RES OLUTI ON To provi de fun ds to enabl e the Secre tary of Agriculture to cooperate with States in control of chinch bugs June 7, 1934-- 926 Registry of certain aliens . AN ACT Relating to the record of registry of certain aliens _June 8,1934--

926 B? idge, Saint Lawrence River . AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Saint Lawrence River at or near Ogdensburg, New York June 8, 1934__ 927 Chippewa Indian l ands . AN ACT To modify the effect of certain Chippewa Indian treaties on areas in Minnesota June 11, 1934_- 927 Second-class matter, postal s ervice . A N ACT To amend the third clause of section 4 of the Act of March 3, 1879 (20 Stat . 359 ; U .S .C ., title 39, sec . 226) June 11, 1934--

928 Columbus University, D .C ., i ncorporation . AN ACT Relating to the incorporation of Colum- bus University of Washington, District of Columbia, organized under and by virtue of a certificate of incorporation pursuant to the incorporation laws of the District of Columbia as provided in subchapter 1 of chapter 18 of the Code of Laws of the Dis- trict of Columbia June 11, 1934--

928 Philippine Islands, Government d eposits . A N ACT Relating to deposits in the United States of public moneys of the government of the Philippine Islands June 11, 1934_- 929 Emergency Farm Mortgage Act, a mendment . AN ACT To amend section 32 of the Emer- gency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933 June 11, 1934__ 929 Climax baskets for mushrooms . A N ACT To amend the Standard Baskets Act of August 31, 1916, to provide for a one-pound Climax basket for mushrooms June 11, 1934-- 930 District of Columbia Alley Dwelling Act . AN ACT To provide for the discontinuance of the use as dwellings of buildings situated in alleys in the District of Columbia, and for the replatt ing and deve lopment of s quares contai ning inhabit ed alleys, i n the intere st of public health, comfort, morals, safety, and welfare, and for other purposes

June 12,1934__

930 Air-mail laws, r evision . AN ACT To revise air-mail laws, and to establish a commission to make a report to the Congress recommending an aviation policy __ __ June 12, 1934__ 933 National Defense Act, a mendment. AN ACT To amend the Act of June 15, 1933, amending the National Defense Act of June 3, 1916, as amended June 12, 1934_ _ 939 Bridge, Chesapeake Bay . AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Chesapeake Bay between Baltimore and Kent Counties, Maryland June 12,1934__ 939 Bridge Bayou Bartholomew . AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the Tensas Basin Levee Boa rd of the St ate of Louis iana to const ruct, mainta in, and oper ate a free hi gh- way bridge across Bayou Bartholomew at or near its mouth in Morehouse Parish, Louisiana June 12,1934__ 939 Erie, Pa., lighthouse r eservation . A N ACT To provide for the conveyance of the abandoned lighthouse reservation and buildings, including detached tower, situate within the city limits of Erie, Pennsylvania, to the city for public-park purposes June 12, 1934--

940 Centr al Pa cific Rail way C ompan y, c onveyances . AN ACT Validating certain conveyances heretofore made by Central Pacific Railway Company, a corporation, and its lessee, Southern Pacific ompany, a corporation, involving certain portions of right-of-way, in and in the vicinity of the city of Lodi, and near the station of Acampo, and in the city of T racy, all in the county of San Joaqui n, State of California, and in or in the vicinity of Galt, and Polk, in th e county of S acramento, S tate of Cali fornia, acqui red by Central Pacific Railway Company under the Act of Congress approved July 1, 1862 (12 Stat .L . 489), as amended by the Act of Congress approved July 2, 1864 (13 Stat .L. 356) June 12,1934__ 940 Central Pacific Railway Company, validating certain c onveyances . AN ACT Validating certain conveyances heretofore made by Central Pacific Railway Company, a corporation, and its l essee, South ern Pacific Company, a co rporation, i nvolving cer tain portions of right-of-way, in and in the vicinity of the town of Gridley, all in the county of Butte, State of Calif ornia, acquired by C entral Pacific Railw ay Company under the Act of Congress approved July 25, 1866 (14 Stat .L . 239) June 12, 1934-- 942 Postal treaties and c onventions . A N ACT To provide for the final construction, on behalf of the United States, of postal treaties or conventions to which the United States is a party June 12,1934__ 943 Trade Agre ements Act . AN ACT To amend the Tariff Act of 1930 June 12, 1934__ 943