Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/21

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xxiii Page . Salmon River, flood control . A N ACT Authorizing the control of floods in the Salmon River, Alask a June 18,1934__

991 Bridge, Missouri River . AN ACT Authorizing the city of Atchison, Kansas, and the county of Buchanan, Missouri, or either of them or the States of Kansas and Missouri, or either of them, or the highway departments of such States, acting jointly or severally, to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Missouri River at or near Atchison, Kansas June 18, 1934_ .. 991 Star routes, postal s ervice. AN ACT To remove the limitation upon the extension of star routes June 18,1934__

992 Domest ic registere d, insured, etc . , ma il . A N ACT To authorize th e Postmaster Gen eral to charge an additional fee for effecting delivery of domestic registered, insured, or collect- on-delivery mail, the delivery of which is restricted to the addressee only, or to the addressee or order June 18, 1934-_

992 Receivers, etc ., in Federal c ourts . A N A CT Ma king rece ivers appo inted by any U nited Sta tes courts and authorized to conduct any business, or conducting any business, subject to taxes levied by the State the same as if such business were conducted by private individ uals or corpo rations June 18, 1934__

993 Emergency construction of public highways, etc . A N ACT To increase employment by auth- orizing an appropriation to provide for emergency construction of public highways and related projects, and to amend the Federal Aid Road Act, approved July 11, 1916, as amended and supplemented, and for other purposes June 18, 1934__ 993 Fraudulent cl a i ms . AN ACT To amend section 35 of the Criminal Code of the United States June 18,1934_-

996 D .C ., Alc oholic Bevera ge Cont rol Ac t, a mendme nt . AN ACT To amend section 11 of the District of Columbia Alcoholic Beverage Control Act June 18, 1934- - 997 Malt, etc ., for resale to baker, e tc. A N ACT To amend section 601 (c) (2) of the Revenue Act of 19 32 June 18, 193 4-_

998 For eign t rade zones. A N ACT To provide for the establishment, operation, and mainte- nance of foreign-trade zones in ports of entry of the United States, to expedite and encourage foreign commerce, and for other purposes June 18, 1934_- 998 Bridge, Susquehanna River . AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania to construct, maintain, and operate a toll bridge across the Susquehanna River at or near York Furnace, Pennsylvania June 18, 1934_- 1003 Douglas City, Alaska, b onds . A N ACT To authorize the incorporated town of Douglas City, Alaska, to undertake certain municipal public works, including construction, recon- struction, enlargement, extension, and improvements of its water-supply system ; and construction, reconstruction, enlargement, extension, and improvements to sewers, and for such purposes to issue bonds in any sum not exceeding $40,000_ _June 18,1934-- 1004 Bridge, Susquehanna River . AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania to construct, maintain, and operate a toll bridge across the Susquehanna River at or near Middletown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania

June 18,1934__ 1005 Fairbanks, Alaska, bonds. AN ACT To auth orize the incorp orated town of F airbanks, Alaska, to undertake certain municipal public works, including construction, recon- struct ion, an d exte nsion o f sidew alks ; con structi on, re constru ction, and ex tension of sewers, and construction of a combined city hall and fire-department building, and for such purposes to issue bonds in any sum not exceeding $50,000_-June 18, 1934-- 1006 Inv estiga tion Di vision, Depar tment o f Justi ce . AN ACT To empower certain members of the Di vision of Inv estigat ion of the De partmen t of Ju stice to make arrest s in c ertain cases, and for other purposes June 18, 1934-_ 1008 Bridge, Lake Sabine . AN ACT Authorizing the city of Port Arthur, Texas, or the commis- sion hereby created and its successors, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge over Lake Sabine, at or near Port Arthur, Texas June 18, 1934-- 1008 Bridge, Merrimack River . AN ACT G ranting the cons ent of Congress t o the county com - missioners of Essex County, in the State of Massachusetts, to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Merrimack River, in the city of Lawrence, Massachusetts June 18 ,1934-_ 1012 Liquor distill eries, e tc . A N ACT To authorize the reduction of the required distance be- tween liquor distil leries and rec tifyin g plant s and t o auth orize h igher f ences around distilleries June 18,1934__ 1013 Bridge, Ohio River. AN ACT Authorizing the Sistersville Bridge Board of Trustees to con- struct, maintain, and operate a toll bridge across the Ohio River at Sistersville, Tyler County, West Virginia June 18,1 934-_ 10 13 Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, D .C., a men dment . AN ACT To amend subsection (a) of section 23 of the District Alcoholic Beverage Control Act June 18, 1934_- 1014 Bri dge, M issouri River . AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River at or near Washington, Missouri

June 18,1934__ 1015 Upper Mississippi River Wild Life, e tc . A N ACT To authorize the acquisition of additional land for the Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish Refuge June 18, 1934-_ 1015 Bridge, Ohio River . AN ACT A uthorizi ng the S pencer Co unty Bri dge Comm ission, of Spence r Count y, Ind iana, t o const ruct, maintai n, and operat e a tol l bridg e acro ss the Ohio River between Rockport, Indiana, and Owensboro, Kentucky--June 18, 1934 __ 1015