Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/3

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LIST OF THE PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS CON TAIN ED IN T HIS VOL UME THE SEVENTY-THIRD CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES FIRST SESSION, 1933 Page . Emergency banking relief ; Bank Conservation Act . AN ACT To provide relief in the existing national emergency in banking, and for other purposes March 9, 1933_ -

1 Legislative expenses . JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for certain expenses incident to the first session of the Seventy-third Congress March 17, 1933__

8 United States Government, maintain credit of. AN ACT To maintain the credit of the United Sta tes Gov ernm ent March 20,1933-_

8 Revenue taxes on certain nonintoxicating liquor. A N ACT To pr ovide reve nue by the taxation of certain nonintoxicating liquor, and for other purposes March 22, 1933__

16 Earthquake, etc ., relief. JOINT RES OLUT ION To au thor ize the Reco nstru ctio n Fi nanc e Corporation to make loans for financing the repair or reconstruction of buildings damaged by earthquake in 1933 March 23, 1933__

20 Direct loans to State banks, etc . AN ACT To provide for direct loans by Federal reserve banks to State banks and trust companies in certain cases, and for other purposes

March 24,1933__

20 Swimming exercise tank . JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for the acceptance of sums donat ed for the co nstruct ion of a swim ming ex ercise tank f or the use of the Pr esident

March 30,1933__

22 Unemployment relief. A N ACT F or the rel ief of une mployment t hrough the performan ce of useful public work, and for other purposes March 31, 1933__

22 Medicinal liquor prescriptions. AN ACT Relati ng to the p rescribing of medici nal liquor s

March 31,1933__

23 District of Columbia, beer, etc ., tax . A N ACT To provide revenue for the District of Columbia by the taxation of beverages, and for other purposes April 5, 1933_ _

25 Pages, Senate and House of Representatives . JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for the payme nt of p ages f or the Senate and Ho use of Represe ntativ es for the fir st ses sion of the Seventy-third Congress April 14, 1933__

29 Bridge, Allegheny River . AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Allegheny River at or near Parkers Landing in the county of Armstrong, Common- wealth of Pennsyl vania Apr il29 ,19 33__

29 Bridge, Allegheny River . AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Allegheny River, at a point near the Forest-Venango County line, in Tionesta Town- ship, a nd in the county of Forest, an d in the C ommonwealt h of Penns ylvania

Apr il 29, 193 3__

30 Crop production loans . JOINT RESOLUTION To amend section 2 of the Act approved February 4, 1933, to provide for loans to farmers for crop production and harvesting during the year 1933, and for other purposes May 1 1933- _

30 Pan American Petroleum Company, etc . JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the Attorney General, with the concurrence of the Secretary of the Navy, to release claims of the United States upon certain assets of the Pan American Petroleum Company and the Richfield Oil Company of California and others in connection with collections upon a certain judgment in favor of the United States against the Pan American Petroleum Company heretofore duly entered May 3,19 33__

30 Agricultural Adjustment Act . AN ACT To re lieve the existing n ational ec onomic eme rgency by increasing agricultural purchasing power, to raise revenue for extraordinary ex- pens es inc urred b y reaso n of s uch eme rgency, to pro vide e mergenc y relie f with respec t to agricultural indebtedness, to provide for the orderly liquidation of joint-stock land banks, and for other purposes May 12, 1933__

31 Bridge, Missouri River . AN ACT To extend the time for completing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River at or near Kansas City, Kansas ---- May 12, 1933__

54 Bridges, Pee Dee and Waccamaw Rivers . AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Pee Dee River and a bridge across the Waccamaw River, both at or near Georgetown, South Carolina --May 12, 1933__

54 Bridge, Waccamaw River . AN ACT To extend the time for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Waccamaw River near Conway, South Carolina

May 12,1933__

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