Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/303

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 100 . JUNE 16, 1933 .

277 of payment, $11,278 .71, and suc h su m sh all be paid out of the Fund f rom which revenues of the District of Columbia and the Treasury of the United payable 47, p. 343. States in the manner prescribed in the District of Columbia Appro- priation Act for the fiscal year 1933 . DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR

Interior Department . GE NERAL LA ND OFFICE General Land Office . To pay to Marion F . Blackwell the fair and reasonable value of all La riof.of r improvements placed by him upon the southeast quarter southwest quarter section 27, township 2 south, range 6 west, Saint Stephens meridian, Mississippi, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior, Vol. 47, p . 1724. in accordance with the Act of February 15, 1933, fiscal year 1933, $1,000 . Bureau of Indian BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS

Affairs . Sequoya h Orphan Training Sc hool, Tahlequah, Okl ahoma : The ~ aai~g School Okla . unexpended balances of appropriations available during the fiscal Balance available . year 1933 for the construction of physical improvements at the Vol. 47, p. 106 Sequ oyah Ind ian Orph an Trai ning Sch ool, ne ar T ahle quah , Ok la- homa, are hereby continued available for use during the fiscal year 1934 . Compensation to non-Indian claimants, Pueblo Indian Lands, 1o Ne w Mexico, pueb- New Mexico : For carrying out the provisions of the Act of May n on-Ind ian ptio imantto 31, 1933, in settlement of the liability of the United States to non- Ante, p. 108. Indian claimants on Indian Pueblo grants whose claims, extin- Vol . 43, p. 636. guished under the Act of June 7, 1924, have been found by the Pueblo Lands Board to have been claims in good faith, fiscal year 1933, $232,086 .80, to remain available until June 30, 1934, and to be apportioned to claimants within the several Pueblos as follows Tesuque, $1,094 .63 ; Nambe, $19,393 .59 ; Taos, $14,064 .57 ; Tenorio Tract, Taos Pueblo, $43,165 .26 ; Santa Ana (El Ranchito grant), $846 .26 ; Sa nto Domingo, $66 ; Sandia, $5,354 .46 ; San Filipe, $16,424 .68 ; Isleta, $6,624 .45 ; Picuris, $11,464.73 ; San Ildefonso, $16,209 .13 ; San Juan, $19,938 .22 ; Santa Clara, $35,350 .88 ; Cochiti, $9,653 .81 ; Pojoaque, $1,767 .26 ; Laguna, $30,668 .87. DEPA RTMEN T OF J USTIC E

Department of Jus . tice . CONTINGEN T EXPENS ES

Contingent expenses . For additional amounts for contingent expenses, Department of Justice , incl uding the sa me obj ects s pecifie d unde r this head in the Acts making appropriations for the Department of Justice for the fiscal years that follow For 1930, $2.87 ; For 1932, $116 .91 . UNITED STATES COURTS Fe es of com missi oners : For addi tiona l amo unts for fees of co m- ers ees of Commission » missioners, United States courts, including the same objects specified under this head in the Acts making appropriations for the Depart- ment of Justice for the fiscal years that follow For 1925, $7.80 ; For 1930, $11 .05 ; For 1931, $3,896 .70 ; For 1932, $12,3 74 .9 2 . Mi scell aneo us ex pense s : For an additional amount for miscel- Misc ell ane ous ex » laneous expenses, United States courts, including the same objects panes' specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Department of Justice for the fiscal year 1930, $24 .61 . United States Courts .