Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/367

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 6. JAN UARY 30, 1934 .

341 No redemptions in gold shall be made except in gold bullion bear- tot e ed ieminion i n go ld ing the stamp of a United States mint or assay office in an amount Amount . equivalent at the time of redemption to the currency surrendered for such purpose . SEC . 7. In the event that the weight of the gold dollar shall at increase in val ue of gold due to weight any time be reduced, the resulting increase in value of the gold held reduction of gold dollar by the United States (including the gold held as security for gold Post, pinto in173o reasury' certificates and as a reserve for any United States notes and for Treasury notes of 1890) shall be covered into the Treasury as a mis- cellaneous receipt ; and, in the event that the weight of the gold re Go ld io comp ensate dollar shall at any time be increased, the resulting decrease in value preciation . of the gold held as a reserve for any United States notes and for Treasury notes of 1890, and as security for gold certificates shall be compen sated by tra nsfers of go ld bul lion fr om the gener al fun d, and Appropriation . there is hereby appropriated an amount sufficient to provide for such Post, p. lo w- transfer s and to cover the decrease in valu e of the gold in t he genera l fund . SEC . 8 . Section 3700 of the Revised Statutes (U .S .C ., title 31, R.s .se e . 3700,p .73 1

sec . 734) is amended to read as follows :

as .c ., p. 1024, amend- `` SEC. 3700 . With the approval of the President, the Secretary of thGol dd purchases au, the Treasury may purchase gold in any amounts, at home or abroad, with any direct obligations, coin, or currency of the United States, authorized by law, or with any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, at such rates and upon such terms and conditions as Rates, terms, condi- he may deem most advantageous to the public interest ; any provision tio ns' of law relating to the maintenance of parity, or limiting the purposes for which any of such obligations, coin, or currency, may be issued, or requiring any such obligations to be offered as a popular loan or on a competitive basis, or to be offered or issued at not less than par, to the contrary notwithstanding . All gold so purchased shall Added to general be included as an asset of the general fund of the Treasury ."

fund. SEC . 9 . Section 3699 of the Revised Statutes (U.S.C.. title 31, sec. R.S ., se c. 3699, p. 733) is amended to read as follows :


U .S.C ., p . 1024. " SEC . 3699 . The Secretary of the Treasury may anticipate the Anticipating i nterest payment on public payment of interest on the public debt, by a period not exceeding debt . one year, from time to time, either with or without a rebate of inter- est upon the coupons, as to him may seem expedient ; and he may Sale ~fgold in public sell gold in any amounts, at home or abroad, in such manner and at such rates and upon such terms and conditions as he may deem most advantageous to the public interest, and the proceeds of any gold so sold shall be covered into the general fund of the Treasury Provided, however, That the Secretary of the Treasury may sell the Proviso . gold wh ich is requi red to be ma intain ed as a reser ve or as sec urity Parit ym otenance . for currency issued by the United States, only to the extent necessary to maintain such currency at a parity with the gold dollar ." SEC . 1 0 . (a) For th e purp ose of stabi lizing the ex change value of Stabili ation fund es- the dollar, the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of the tablished

purpose s .

President, directly or through such agencies as he may designate, is authorized, for the account of the fund established in this section, to deal in gold and foreign exchange and such other instruments of credit and securities as he may deem necessary to carry out the pur- Annual audit ; report pose of this section . An annual audit of such fund shall be made and to President . a report thereof submitted to the President . (b) To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to carry out the pro- Appropriation for visions of this section there' is hereby appropriated, out of the maint enance of fu nd . receipts which are directed to be covered into the Treasury under section 7 hereof, the sum of $2,000,000,000 . which sum when available