Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/37

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 3. MARCH 20, 1933 . SEC . 15. Any person who shall knowingly make or cause to be made, or conspire, combine, aid, or assist in, agree to, arrange for, or in any wise procure the making or presentation of a false or fr audule nt affi davit, declar ation, certifi cate, stateme nt, voucher, or paper, or writing purporting to be such, concerning any claim for benefits under this title, shall forfeit all rights, claims, and benefits under this title, and, in addition to any and all other penalties imposed by law, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both . SEC . 16 . Every guardian, curator, conservator, committee, or per- son legally vested with the responsibility or care of a claimant or his estate, havi ng charge and custody in a fiduciary cap acity of money paid, under the provisions of this title, for the benefit of any minor or incompetent claimant, who shall embezzle the same in violation of his trust, or convert the same to his own use, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $2,000 or imprisonment at hard labor for a term not exceeding five years, or both . SEC . 17 . All public laws granting medical or hospital treatment, domiciliary care, compensation and other allowances, pension, di s- abil ity allo wanc e, o r re tire ment pay to vete rans and the dep ende nts of veterans of the Spanish-American War, including the Bo xer Rebellion and the Philippine Insurrection, and the World Wa r, or to former members of the military or naval service for injury or disease incurred or aggravated in the line of duty in the military or naval service (except so far as they relate to persons who served prior to the Spanish-American War and to the dependents of such persons, and the retirement of officers and enlisted men of the Regu- lar Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard) are hereby repealed, and all laws granting or pertaining to yearly renewable term insur- ance are hereby repealed, but payments in accordance with such laws shall continue to the last day of the third calendar month following the month during which this Act is enacted . The Administrator of Veterans' Affairs under the general direction of the President shall immediately cause to be reviewed all allowed claims under the above referred to laws and where a person is found entitled under this Act, authorize payment or allowance of benefits in accordance with the provi sions of this Act commenci ng with the fi rst day of the fourth calendar month following the month during which this Act is enacted and notwithstanding the provisions of section 9 of this Act, no further claim in such cases shall be required : Provided, That nothing contained in this section shall interfere with payments heretofore made or hereafter to be made under contracts of yearly renewable term insurance wh ich have matu red prior to t he date of enactm ent of this Act a nd und er whi ch pay ments have been c om- menced, or on any judgment heretofore rendered in a court of competent jurisdiction in any suit on a contract of yearly renewable term insurance, or which may hereafter be rendered in any such suit now pending : Provided ffwrther, That, subject to such regulations as the President may prescribe, allowances may be granted for burial and funeral expenses and transportation of the bodies (including preparation of the bodies) of deceased veterans of any war to the places of burial thereof in a sum not to exceed $107 in any one case . The provisions of this title shall not apply to compensation or pension (except as to rates, time of entry into active service and special statutory allowances), being paid to veterans disabled, or dependents of veterans who died, as the result of disease or injury directly connected with active military or naval service (without benefit of statutory or regulatory presumption of service connection) False affidavits, etc. Punishment for . E mbez zleme nt by gua rdian, etc . Veterans of desig- n ated wars . Public laws granting certain allowances, etc ., repealed . U .S .C., p.1191 . Post, p . 526 . Term insurance . U.S.C., p . 1225. 11 Re view of all owed cla ims . Ante, p . 10. , Provisos . Matured insurance . Funeral, etc., ex- pen ses . Post,p. 310. Disabled veterans, pen sions, etc .