Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/384

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358 Amend ment. 13d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 29-31 . FEBRUARY 24, 1934 . of Congress approved March 3, 1931, are hereby extended two and five years, respectively, from March 3, 1933 . SEC . 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . Approved, February 24, 1934 . [CHAPTER 30 .] February 24, 1934 .

AN ACT [$ .R . 6909 .] _ To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge [Public, No. 104 .]

across the Des Moines River at or near Saint Francisville, Missouri . Des Moines River . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Ti me ex ten ded for United States of America in Congress assembled, That the time for bridging, at saint Fran- commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the cisville, Mo . Vol . 47, p. 802 , Des Moines River at or near Saint Francisville, Missouri, authorized amended.

to be built by Roy H . Campbell, Charles H . Brown, G . H. Wilsey, and Doctor H . O . Strosnider, by an Act of Congress approved February 14, 1933, are hereby extended one and three years, respec- tively, from February 14, 1934 . Amendme nt .

SEC . 2 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . Approved, February 24, 1934 . [CHAPTER 31 .1 AN ACT February 24, 1934 . [$.R .7291 .] Authorizing the City of Hannibal, Missouri, its successors and assigns, to con- [Public, No . 105.]

struct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Mississippi River at or near the City of Hannibal , Marion County, Mis souri . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Mississippi River . United States of America in Congress assembled, That in order to Hannibal, Mo ., may bridge . facilitate interstate commerce, improve the Postal Service, and provide for military and other purposes, the City of Hannibal, Missouri, its successors and assigns, be, and is hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Mississippi River, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near Hannibal, Missouri, in accordance with the construct ion »

provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction Vol.34,p.84.

of bridges over navigable waters ", approved March 23, 1906, and subject to the condition and limitations contained in this Act . Righ t to acqu ire real SEC . 2 . There is hereby conferred upon t he City of Hannibal, estate, etc., for location, approaches, etc. Missouri, its successors and assigns, all such rights and powers to enter upon lands and to acquire, condemn, occupy, possess, and use real estate and other property needed for the location, construction, operation, and maintenance of such bridge and its approaches as are possessed by railroad corporations for railroad purposes or by bridge corporations for bridge purposes in the State in which such real estate or other property is situated, upon making just compen- ~ eondemnati on pro- sation therefor, to be ascertained and paid according to the laws of such State, and the proceedings therefor shall be the same as in the condemnation or expropriation of property for public purposes in such State . Tolls authorized . SEC . 3. The said City of Hannibal, Missouri, its successors and assigns, is hereby authorized to fix and charge tolls for transit over such bridge, and the rates of toll so fixed shall be the legal rates Vol.34,p.85.

until changed by the Secretary of War under the authority contained in the Act of March 23, 1906 .