Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/426

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73d CONGRE SS . SESS . 11. CHS . 52-54 . MARCH 10, 1934 . of the United States and in its behalf, any and all contracts, con- poi ceds to credit of veyances, or other instruments necessary to effectuate such sale

the proceeds of the sale of the property hereinbefore designated to be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the fund known as the military post construction fund : P rovi ded, That the Secretary of War shall have the said tract appraised : And provided fu rthe r, That the Secretary of War shall not sell said tract of land for a less co nsid erat ion than the app rais ed v alue the reof . Approved, March 10, 1934 . Provisos. Appraisal . Sole price. [CHAPTER 53 .1

AN ACT March 10, 1934 . [8 .1115 .] To authorize the Department of Agriculture to issue a duplicate check in favor [Public, No . 119.] of Depart ment of Forests and Waters, Commonwealth of Pennsylvan ia, the ori ginal check having been lost . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That notwithstand- ing t he prov isions of sec tion 36 46, as amende d, of t he Rev ised St atutes of the United States, the disbursing clerk of the Department of Agri- culture is authorized and directed to issue, without the requirement of an indemnity bond, a duplicate of original check numbered 2675700, drawn November 19, 1931, in favor of Department of Forests and Water s, Commonwealt h of Pennsylv ania, for $34 5, the origina l check having been lost . Approved, March 10, 1934 . [CHAPTER 54 .] Pennsylva nia, De- partmentof Forests and Waters . Iss ue of duplicate check to, in lieu of lost original . R S.,sec.3646,p.717. U.S.C ., p . 1009. March 10, 1934. [S . 2277 .] [Public, No . 120 .] Unlawful acts . AN ACT To establish fi sh and game sanctuaries in the nation al forests . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the National forests, fish United States of America in Congress assembled, That for the pur- and g ame sanct uari es . President authorized pose of providing breeding places for game birds, game animals, to set aside certain areas for, and fish on lands and waters in the national forests not chiefly suit- able for agriculture, the President of the United States is hereby authorized, upon recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Commerce and with the approval of the State legislatures of the respective States in which said national forests are situated, to establish by public proclamation certain specified and limited areas within said f orests as fis h and game san ctuaries or refuges which shall be devoted to the increase of game birds, game animals, and fish of all kinds naturally adapted thereto, but it is not intended that the lands included in such fish and game sanctuaries or refuges shall cease to be parts of the national forests wherein they are located, and the establishment of such fish and game sanctuaries Other uses of forest or refuges shall not prevent the Secretary of Agriculture from per- reserves permitted . mitting other uses of the national forests under and in conformity with the laws and the rules and regulations applicable thereto so far as such uses may be consistent with the purposes for which such fish and game sanctuaries or refuges are authorized to be established . SEC . 2 . That when such fish and game sanctuaries or refuges have been established as provided in section 1 of this Act, hunting, pursu- in g, poi soning, anglin g for, killin g, or c apturi ng by t rapping , nett ing, or any other means or attempting to hunt, pursue, angle for, kill, or capture any wild animals or fish for any purpose whatever upon the lands of the United States within the limits of said fish and