Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/465

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 70. MARCH 15, 1934 .

439 Washington, District of Columbia, Post Office Building

For Washington, D.C., completion of extension, $400,000 .

post office . PUBLIC BUILDINGS, REPAIRS, EQUIPMENT, AND GENERAL EXPENSES Repairs and preservation : For repairs and preservation of all oees,of

t d t c mpi a completed and occupied public buildings and the grounds thereof and occupied buildings. under the control of the Treasury Department, and for wire parti- tions and fly screens therefor ; Government wharves and piers under the control of the Treasury Department, together with the neces- sary dredging adjacent thereto ; care of vacant sites under the control of the Treasury Department, such as necessary fences, filling danger- ous ho les, c utting gras s and weeds, but n ot fo r any perman ent improv ements there on ; repairs and preservat ion of buildi ngs not reserved by vendors on sites under the control of the Treasury Department acquired for public buildings or the enlargement of public buildings, the expenditures on this account for the current fiscal year not to exceed 15 per centum of the annual rental of such buildings : Provided, That of the sum herein appropriated not exceed- Provisos . Ma rine hosp itals, ing $100,000 may be used for the repair and preservation of marine qu arantin e stati ons, hospitals, the national leprosarium, and quarantine stations (includ- Trea sury buildings, ing Marcus Hook) and completed and occup ied outbuil dings D.C. (including wire partitions and fly screens for same), and not exceed- ing $24,000 for the Treasury, Treasury Annex, Liberty Loan, and Auditors' Buildings in the District of Columbia : Provided further, st~e oonnat services re- That this sum shall not be available for the payment o f personal services except for work done by contract or for temporary job labor under exigency not exceeding at one time the sum of $100 at any one building, $650,000 . Mechanical equipment : For installation and repair of mechanical int . Mechanical equip- equipment in all completed and occupied public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, including heating, hoisting, plumbing, gas piping, ventilating, vacuum cleaning, and refrigerat- ing apparatus, electric-light plants, meters, interior pneumatic tube and intercommunicating telephone systems, conduit, wiring, call bell and sign al s yste ms, plat form sca les, and for mai nten ance and rep air of tower clocks ; for installation and repair of mechanical equipment, for any of the foregoing items, in buildings not reserved by vendors on sites under the control of the Treasury Department acquired for public buildings or the enlargements of public buildings, the total expenditures on this account for the current fiscal year not to exceed 10 per centu m of the annu al rentals of such building s : P rovide d, Ma r, °no hospitals, That of the sum herein appropriated, not exceeding $90,000 may be quarant ine sta tions, used for the installation and repair of mechanical equipment in marine hospitals, the national leprosarium, and quarantine stations (including Marcus Hook), and not exceeding $25,000 for the Treas- D Treasury buildings, ury, Treasu ry Ann ex, L iberty Loan, and A udito rs' Bu ilding s in the District of Columbia, but not including the generating plant and its main tenance in th e Auditors' B uilding, and n ot exceeding $10,000 for changes in, maintenance of, and repairs to the pneumatic- Pneumatic tube serv . tube systems in New York City installed under franchise of the city ice, New York . of New York approved June 29, 1909, and June 11, 1928, and the payment of any obligations arising thereunder, in accordance with the authority of the Acts approved August 5, 1909 (36 Stat ., p . 120), 45p,533 . p . 120; Vol. -36 and May 15, 1928 (45 Stat ., p . 533), authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to enter into contracts with the city of New York to abide Con tra cts . by the terms, conditions, and requirements of said franchises : Pro- vided further, That this sum shall not be available for the payment Personal service re striction . of personal services except for work done by contract, or for tempo-