Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/501

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73d CONGRESS. SESS. II . CH. 89. MARCH 26, 1934 .

475 factured in the United States and the importation of such products intended for use in the treatment of domestic animals ; and for Packers and Sto ck- carrying out the provisions of the Packers and Stockyards Act, y Vol.42,p . 159. approved August 115, 1921 (U .S .C ., title 7 secs . 181-229) ; andtouso .,p.m >




Colle cting, etc ., live- enable the Secretary of Agriculture to collect and disseminate infor- stock information. mation concerning livestock and animal products ; to prepare and d issem inate rep orts on an imal indu stry ; to employ and pay from Pay of employees. the apropriation 1 herein made as many persons in the city of Wash- ington or elsewhere as he may deem necessary ; to purchase in the et Tuberculin, serums, open ma rket s amples of al l tube rculin , serum s, ant itoxin s, or anal- ogous products, of foreign or domestic manufacture, which are sold in the United States, for the detection, prevention, treatment, or cure of disea ses of domes tic an imals, to tes t the same, and to dis- seminate the results of said tests in such manner as he may deem best ; to purchase and destroy diseased or exposed animals, including Purchase and de- poultry, or quarantine the same whenever in his judgment essential animt~' of diseased to prevent the spread of pleuropneumonia, tuberculosis, contagious et Pleu ropneumoni a, poultry diseases, or other diseases of animals from one State to another, as follows General administrative expenses : For necessary expenses for gen- oeC hief f bur e eeau, and eral administrative purposes, including the salary of chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $162,185 . Inspection and quarantine : For inspection and quarantine work, Inspection and quar- including all necessary expenses for the eradication of scabies in antme work . sheep a nd cat tle, t he ins pectio n of s outhern cattl e, the super vision of the transportation of livestock, and the inspection of vessels, the execution of the twenty-eight hour law, the inspection and quaran- tine of imported animals, including the establishment and main- tenance of quarantine stations and repairs, alterations, improve- ments, or additions to buildings thereon ; the inspection work relative to the existe nce of conta gious diseas es, and the m allein testi ng of animals, $622,090 . Eradicating tuberculosis : For investigating the diseases of tuber- Eradicating tubercu- cu losis and pa ratube rculos is of animal s, and avian tuberc ulosis , for losis' their control and eradication, for the tuberculin testing of animals, and for researches concerning the causes of the diseases, their modes of spread, and methods of treatment and prevention, including Met hods, etc . demonstrations, the formation of organizations, and such other means as may be necessary, either independently or in cooperation with farmers, associations, or State, Territory, or county author- ities, $4,042,179, of which $1,042,179 shall be set aside for adminis- trative and operating expenses and $3,000,000 for the payment of indemnities : Prov ided , That in carrying out the purpose of this n aan°m ties for am- appropr iation , if i n the opinio n of t he Secr etary of Agr icultu re it coals destroyed . shall b e nece ssary to con demn a nd des troy tu bercul ous or parat uber- culous cattle, if such animals have been destroyed, condemned, or die after condemnation, he may, in his discretion, and in accordance with such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, expend in the city of Washington or elsewhere such sums as he shall determine to be necessary, within the limitations above provided, for the payment of in demni ties, for the reimb urse ment of ow ners of s uch a nimal s, in cooperation with such States, Territories, counties, or munici- Co operation with palitie s, as shall by law or by suita ble act ion in keepi ng wit h its States, etc . authority in the matter, and by rules and regulations adopted and enforc ed in pursua nce th ereof, provi de insp ection of tu bercul ous or paratuberculous cattle and for compensation to owners of cattle so condemned, but no part of the money hereby appropriated shall be I So in original .