Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/511

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73d CONGRESS. SESS . II. CH. 89. MARCH 26, 1934 . purposes ; for investigation of the action and changes produced by microorganisms, including molds and fungi ; for investigation and development of methods for the utilization of agricultural wastes and residues, in cooperation with the Bureau of Standards, Depart- ment of Commerce, without duplication of work ; f or in ves tig at ion and development of methods for the prevention of heating of agricultural products and the prevention of farm fires and fires in cotton gins, cotton-oil mills, grain elevators, and other structures, and to cooperate with associations and scientific societies in the development of methods of analysis, $304,870 . Col or inv estiga tions : For investigati on and experiment in the utilization, for coloring, medicinal, and technical purposes, of raw materials grown or produced in the United States, $63,255 . Insecticide and fungicide investigations : For the investigation and development of methods of manufacturing insecticides and fungici des, a nd for inves tigati ng che mical p roblem s rela ting t o the composition, action . and application of insecticides and fungicides, $87,920 . Plant dust explosions : For the investigation and development of methods for the prevention of grain-dust, smut-dust, and other dust explosions not otherwise provided for and resulting fires, including fires in cotton gins, cotton-oil mills, and grain elevators, $31,612 . Naval stores investigations : For the investigation and demonstra- tion of im prove d me thods or p roce sses of pr epari ng n aval store s, the weighing, handling, transportation, and the uses of same, $57,165 . Fertilizer investigations : For investigations within the United States of fertilizers, fertilizer ingredients, including phosphoric acid and potash, and other soil amendments and their suitability for agricultural use, $246,071 . Soil chemical and physical investigations : For chemical, physical, and physical-chemical investigations of soil types, soil composition, and soil minerals, the soil solution, solubility of soil, and all chemical and physical properties of soils in their relation to soil formation, soil texture, erosibility, and soil productivity, $47,879 . Soil survey : For the inves tigati on of soils and th eir ori gin, f or survey of the extent of classes and types, and for indicating upon maps and plats, by coloring or otherwise, the results of such investi- gations and surveys, $192,391 . Soil microbiology investigations : For investigations of the micro- organisms of the soil and their activities, including the testing of sampl es pr ocure d in the open mark et, o f cul tures for inoc ulati ng legumes, other crops, or soil, and the publication of results, and if any such samples are found to be impure, nonviable, or misbranded, the results of the tests may be published, together with the names of the manufacturers and of the persons by whom the cultures were of fered for sale, $3 6,765 . Soil-fertility investigations : For soil investigations into causes of infertility ; maintenance of productivity ; effects of soil composi- tion, cultural methods, fertilizers, and soil amendments on yield and quality of crops ; and the properties, composition, formation, and transformation of soil organic matter, $159,368 . Tot al, Bu reau o f Chem istry and So ils, $ 1,311,6 98, of which amoun t not to exceed $940,800 may be expended for personal services in the Distric t of C olumbi a, and not t o exce ed $590 shall be av ailabl e for the purchase of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles necessary in the conduct of field work outside the District of Columbia . U tiliz ing waste s . 485 Cooperation with sci- entific societies, etc . Utilizing raw mate- rials for colorants. Insecticide and fungi- cide investigations . P lant dust explo- sions . Methods for prevent- ing. Nav al stores inv esti- gations. Fertilizers. Soil types, composi- tion . , inv estig a- tion . Cooperative soil sur- vey . Soil microbiology in- vestigations . Soil fertility investi- gations . Services in the Dis- trict . vehicles .