73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 89. MARCH 26, 1934 . Date scale control : For the control and prevention of spread of Parlatoria date scale, $22,768 . Forest insects : For insects affecting forests and forest products, under section 4 of the Act approved May 22, 1928 (U.S .C ., Supp . V1, title 16, sec. 581c), entitled "An Act to insure adequate supplies of timber and other forest products for the people of the United States, to promote the full use for timber growing and other pur- poses of forest lands in the United States, including farm wood lots and those abandoned areas not suitable for agricultural production, and to secure the correlation and the most economical conduct of forest research in the Department of Agriculture, through research in reforestation, timber growing, protection, utilization, forest eco- nomics, and related subjects ", $145,655 . Truck crop and garden insects : For insects affecting truck crops, ornamental and garden plants, including tobacco, sugar beets, and greenhouse and bulbous crops, $303,048 . Cereal and forage insects : For insects affecting cereal and forage crops, including sugarcane and rice, and including research on the European corn borer, $312,701 . European corn borer control : For the control and prevention of spread of the European corn borer and for the certification of prod- ucts out of the infested areas to meet the requirements of State qu aranti nes on accou nt of the Eu ropean corn b orer, $30,41 1 . Cotton insects : For insects affecting cotton, $136,000 . Pink bollworm control : For the control and prevention of spread of the pink bollworm, including the establishment of such cotton- free areas as may be necessary to stamp out any infestation, and for necessary surveys and control operations in Mexico in cooperation with the Mexican Government or local Mexican authorities, $254,959 . Thurberia weevil control : For the control and prevention of spread of the Thurb eria w eevil, $2,58 4 . Bee culture : For bee culture and apiary management, $45,670 . Insects affecting man and animals : For insects affecting man, househo ld pos sessio ns, an d anim als, $ 109,600 . Insect pest survey and identification : For the identification and classification of insects, including taxonomic, morphological, and related phase s of i nsect pest c ontrol , the i mporta tion a nd exc hange of usef ul ins ects, and th e main tenanc e of an insec t pest surve y for the collection and dissemination of information to Federal, State, and other agencies concerned with insect pest control, $121,616 . Con trol i nvesti gation s : For dev elop ing equ ipme nt o r ap para tus to aid in enforcing plant quarantines, eradication and/or control of plan t pest s, det ermini ng met hods o f disin fectin g plan ts and plant products to eliminate injurious pests, determining the toxicity of insecticides, and related phases of insect pest control, $40,738 . Transit inspection : For the inspection in transit or otherwise of articles quarantined under the Act of August 20, 1912 (U .S .C., Supp . VI, title 7, sees . 161, 164a), as amended, and for the interception and disposition of materials found to have been transported interstate in violation of quarantines promulgated thereunder, $26,419 . Foreign plant quarantines : For enforcement of foreign plant quarantines, at the port of entry and/or port of export, and to prevent the movement of cotton and cottonseed from Mexico into the United States, including the regulation of the entry into the United States of railway cars and other vehicles, and freight, express, baggage, or other materials from Mexico, and the inspection, cleaning, and disinfection thereof, including construction and repair of necessary buildings, plants, and equipment, for the fumigation, disinfection, or cleaning of products, railway cars, or other vehicles 487 Date scale control Forest insects . Preve ntin g infesta- tions, etc . Vol.45,p. 701. U.S.C., Supp .VII,p . 328. Truck and garden crops . Cereal and for age in- sects . European corn borer . Cotton insects . Pink bollwor m con- trol . Coope rati on
wi th Mexico . Thurberia weevil- Bee culture. Man and animals Identification
and classification of insects . Disseminating infor- mation. Con tro l
investiga- tions . Transit inspection . Vol. 37, p. 315; Vol. 44,p.250. U.S.C., p 100; Supp. VII, p. 58. Foreign Plant Quar- antine enforcement . Mexican cotton, etc . Cleaning, etc .