Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/564

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 104. APRIL 7, 1934 . out exception, shall be examined by the agents of the Division of Investigation at any time ; and also, when requested by the presiding judge , the off icial act s, record s, and a ccounts o f referee s and tru stees official matte rs un- of such courts ; for such other investigations regarding official mat- der control e. Depart- ment of State

ters under the control of the Department of Justice and the Depart- ment of State as may be directed by the Attorney General


vehicles .

main tena nce, upkee p, a nd op erati on of mot or-pr opell ed p assen ger- carrying vehicles when necessary ; for copying in the District of Supplies. Columbia or elsewhere, reports of examiners at folio rates ; firearms and ammunition, such stationery, supplies, and equipment for use at the seat of government or elsewhere as the Attorney General may direct, including not to exceed $13,000 for taxicab hire to be used exclusively for the purposes set forth in this paragraph and to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General ; traveling expe nses , inc ludin g ex pense s of atten danc e at meeti ngs conce rned with the work of such division when authorized by the Attorney General ; payment of rewards when specifically authorized by the Attorney General for information leading to the apprehension of fugi tive s fro m jus tice , and incl uding not to e xceed $52 0,000 for personal services in the District of Columbia ; $2,880,000 . Alcoholic Beverage Alcoholic Beverage Unit : For salaries and expenses to enforce Enforcement of and administer the twenty-first amendment to the Constitution and twenty-arstConstitutionamend .- such laws as Congress may enact for the enforcement of such amend- Vol . Vote , p. des 16 gnated ment, the Act of March 1, 1913 (U.S.C ., Supp . VI, title 27, sec . 122) ; sets, the Act of March 3, 1917 (U .S.C ., title 18, sees . 341, 342 ; Supp . VI, title 27, sec . 123), as amended by section 12 of the "Liquor Taxing Act of 1934 ", approved January 11, 1934 ; the Act of August 8, 1890 (U.S .C ., Supp . VI, title 27, sec . 121) ; section 238 of the Criminal Code (U.S .C ., title 18, sec . 388) ; section 239 of the Criminal Code (U .S .C ., title 18, sec . 389) ; section 240 of the Criminal Code (U .S .C., Ante, p . 313. title 18, sec . 390) ; applicable provisions of the " Liquor Taxing Act of 1934 ", approved January 11, 1934 ; existing applicable provisions of the National Prohibition Act, as amended and supplemented (U.S.C ., title 27), and internal revenue laws, pursuant to the Act of March 3, 1927 (U.S.C ., Supp . VI, title 5, sees . 281-281e), and the Act of May 27, 1930 (U.S.C., Supp . VI, title 27, sets . 144-192) ; Revie w of certain the review of all pending cases growing out of violations prior to pending cases . December 5, 1934, of the National Prohibition Act, as amended and supple mented , and/ or the inter nal re venue l aws re lating to al coholi c beverages for the determination of the civil liability due the Gov- ernment and proper expense of litigation in cases now pending and which may hereafter be constituted, for the purpose of recovering Emplo ymen t of per- such civil liabilities ; for the employment of executive officers, attor- son nel

neys, investigators, and other personnel, in the District of Columbia securing evidence, and elsewhere, to be appointed as authorized by law

the securing

.to. of evidence of violations of the Acts ; the cost of chemical analysis made by other than employees of the Unit ed States and expenses incident to the gi ving of t estimony in relati on theret o

costs incurred

in the seizure, storage, and disposition of liquor and property seized by virtue of the laws applicable to said seizure ; costs incurred in the seizure, storage, anal disposition of any vehicle and team or automobile, boat, air or water craft, or any other conveyance, seized pursuant to existing laws applicable to such seizures, where the pro- ceeds of sale are insufficient therefor or where there is no sale ; for rental of quarters ; the purchase of stationery, supplies, equipment, mechanical devices, newspapers, periodicals, books, including law books and books of reference, and such other expenditures as may be necessary in the District of Columbia and the several field of fices ; in all, $225,000 .