Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/579

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 104. APRIL 7, 1934. Improvement and care of grounds : For grading, construction of roads and walks, piping grounds for water supply, lamps, wiring for lighting purposes, and other expenses incident to the improve- ment and care of grounds, including foreman and laborers in the Distric t of C olumbi a, $6, 827 . Testing structural materials : For continuation of the investigation of structural materials, such as stone, clays, cement, and so forth, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $126,414 : Prov ided , That as much of this sum as necessary shall be used to collect and disseminate such scientific, practical, and statistical information as may be procured, showing or tending to show approved methods in building, planning and construction, st andardiza tion, and adaptabi lity of s tructura l units, including build- ing mat erials and c odes, econom y in t he manu factur e and utiliz ation of building materials and supplies, and such other matters as may tend to encourage, improve, and cheapen construction and housing . Testing machines : For maintenance and operation of testing machine s, inc luding perso nal se rvice in conn ection there with i n the District of Columbia and in the field, for the determination by the Bureau of Sta ndards of th e phys ical c onstant s and the pr operti es of materials as authorized by law, $26,623 . Investigation of fire-resisting properties : For investigation of fire- resisting properties of building materials and conditions under which they may be most efficiently used, and for the standardization of types of applianc es for fi re preven tion, in cluding p ersonal s ervices in the District of Columbia and in the field, $15,318 . Investigation of public-utility standards : For investigation of the standards of practice and methods of measurements of public utili- ti es, su ch as gas, e lectri c ligh t, ele ctric p ower, water, telep hone, central s tation he ating, an d electri c-railway service, and the solution of the problems which arise in connection with standards in such service, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $46,192 . Testing miscellaneous materials : For testing miscellaneous mate- rials, such as varnish materials, soap materials, inks, and chemicals, including supplies for the Government departments and independ- ent establishments, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, as authorized by law, $24,180 . Radio research : For investigation and standardization of methods and instruments employed in radio communication, including per- sonal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $43,836. Color standardization : To develop color standards and methods of manufacture and of color measurements, with special reference to their industrial use in standardization and specification of color- ants, such as d yest uffs, inks , an d pig ments , and oth er pr oduct s, paint, paper, and t extile s, in which color i s a pe rtinen t prop erty, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $7,286 . Investigation of clay products : To study methods of measurement and technical processes used in the manufacture of pottery, brick, tile, terra cotta, and other clay products, and the study of the prop- erties of the materials used in that industry, including personal services in the Di strict of Columbia and in t he field, $24,112 . Standardizing mechanical appliances : To develop methods of test- ing and standardizing machines, motors, tools, measuring instru- ments, and other apparatus and devices used in mechanical, hydrau- lic, and aeronautic engineering : for the comparative study of types of apparatus and methods of operation, and for the establishment of standards of performance ; for the accurate determination of 553 Improvement, etc ., of grounds . Structural materials testing. Proviso. Information showing approved building methods, etc . Testing machines. Investigation of fire- r esist ing prope rties of building materials Public-utility- stand- ards . Tes ting mis cellane- ous materials . Radio research . C olor standardiza- t ion Clay products proc- esses . Me chanical appli- ances. Testing mechanical, hydraulic, and a ero- nautie devices .