Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/652

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626 Air Corps. Designated purposes . Aircraft op era ti on, etc . Land ing, etc., run- ways . Helium gas . Civilian employees . Pur cha se, develop- men t, etc ., of aircraft . Balloons. Marking military air- ways. Spe cial clothing , etc . Consulting engineers . Ou tside prin ting plants, etc . 73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 165. APRIL 26, 1934. AIR CORPS AIR CORPS, ARM Y For creating, maintaining, and operating at established flying schools and balloon schools courses of instruction for officers, stu- dents, an d enlisted men , including c ost of equipm ent and suppli es necessary for instruction, purchase of tools, equipment, materials, machines, textbooks, books of reference, scientific and professional papers, instruments, and materials for theoretical and practical instruction ; for maintenance, repair, storage, and operation of air- ships, war balloons and other aerial machines, including instruments, mat eria ls, gas plan ts, hang ars, and rep air shop s, a nd a ppli ance s of every sort and description necessary for the operation, construction, or equipment of all types,of aircraft, and all necessary spare parts and equipment connected therewith and the establishment of landing and take-off runways ; for purchase of supplies for securing, develop- ing, printing, and reproducing photographs in connection with aerial p ho t og r a ph y ; improve ment, equipmen t, maintenanc e, and operat ion of plants for testing and experimental work, and procuring and intro- ducing water, electric light and power, gas, and sewerage, including maintenance, operation, and repair of such utilities at such plants

for the procurement of helium gas ; for travel of officers of the Air Corps by air in connection with the administration of this appro- priation, including the transportation of new aircraft from factory to first destination ; salaries and wages of civilian employees as may be necessary ; transportation of materials in connection with consol- idation of Air Corps activities ; experimental investigations and pur- chase and development of new types of airplanes, helicopters and balloons, accessories thereto, and aviation engines, including plans, drawings, and specifications thereof, and the purchase of letters pat- ent, application for letters patent, licenses under letters patent and applications for letters patent ; for the purchase, manufacture, and construction of airplanes and balloons, including instruments and appliances of every sort and description necessary for the operation, construction (airplanes and balloons), or equipment of all types of aircraft, and all necessary spare parts and equipment connected therewith, and during the fiscal year 1935, subject to the approval of the Chief of the Air Corps, transfers may be made from this appropriation to the appropriations contained in this Act, entitled " Signal Service of the Army " and " Ordnance Service and Supplies, Army," for the procurement of aircraft radio equipment and air- craft armament, respectively ; for the marking of military airways where the purchase of land is not involved ; for the purchase, manu- facture, and issue of special clothing, wearing apparel, and simi- lar equipment for aviation purposes ; for all n ecessary expen ses connected with the sale or disposal of surplus or obsolete aeronau- tical equipment, and the rental of buildings, and other facilities for the handling or storage of such equipment ; for the services of not more than four consulting engineers at experimental stations of the Air Corps as the Secretary of War may deem necessary, at rates of pay to be fixed by him not to exceed $50 a day for not exceeding fifty days each and necessary traveling expenses ; purchase of spe- cial apparatus and appliances, repairs and replacements of same used in connection with special scientific medical research in the Air Corps ; for maintenance and operation of such Air Corps printing plants outside of the District of Columbia as may be authorized in accordance with law ; for publications, station libraries, special fur- niture, supplies and equipment for offices, shops, and laboratories

for special services, including the salvaging of wrecked aircraft,