Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/663

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 165 . APRIL 26, 1934 .

637 be prescribed by the Secretary of War, to schools and colleges, other vo:c., p. 71x. 41, than those provided for in section 40 of the Act above referred to, of such arms, tentage, and equipment, and of ammunition, targets, and target materials, including the transporting of same, and the overhauling and repair of articles issued, as the Secretary of War shall deem necessary for proper military training in said schools and colleges, $8,900 . CITIZENS' MILITARY TRAINING CAMPS

Cit ize ns' mi lit ary training camps . For furnishing, at the expense of the United States, to warrant Uniforms, tran for tati on exp ense s, etc ., officers, enlisted men, and civilians attending training camps main- attending . tained under the provisions of section 47d of the National Defense p•, 79.39, p .ls3 ; Vol 41, Act of June 3, 1916, as amended (U .S .C., title 10, sec . 442), uniforms, u . I. C.,p . 1 8 5 , including altering, fitting, washing, and cleaning when ne cessar y, subsistence, or subsistence allowances and transportation, or trans- portation allowances, as prescribed in said section 47d, as amended

for such expenditures as are authorized by said section 47d as may be necessary for the establishment and maintenance of said camps, including recruiting and advertising therefor, and the cost of main- tenance, repair, and operation of passenger-carrying vehicles ; for expenses incident to the use, including upkeep and depreciation costs, of supplies, equipment, and materiel furnished in accordance with law from stocks under the control of the War Department ; for gym- nasium and athletic supplies (not exceeding $20,000)

for mileage, reimbursement of traveling expenses, or allowance in lieu thereof as authorized by law, for officers of the Regular Army and Organized Reserves, and for the travel expenses of enlisted men of the Regu- lar Army, traveling on duty in connection with citizens' military tra ini ng cam ps ; for purchase of training manuals, inclu ding Gov- ernmen t publ icatio ns an d blan k form s ; f or medical and hospita l li a Treatment, t, etc., in treatment, subsistence, and transportation, in case of injury or dis- ease contracted in line of duty, of members of the citizens' military training camps and for transportation and burial of remains of any such members who die while undergoing training or hospital treat- 461 . ment, as provided in the Act of April 26, 1928 (U.S.C., Supp. VI, Vol , Supp. VI I, title 10, sees . 454, 455) ; in all $1,000,000 : Provided, That the funds p-Provisos . herein appropriated shall not be used for the training of any person Age limitation . in the first year or lowest course, who shall have reached his twenty- fourth birthday before the date of enrollment : Provided further, fo bidden .other funds That none of the funds appropriated elsewhere in this Act except for printing and binding and for pay and allowances of officers and enlisted men of the Regular Army shall be used for expenses in con- Uniforms, etc ., from nection with citizens' military training camps : Provided further, Army surplus stocks . That uniforms and other equipment or materiel furnished in accord- ance with law for use at citizens military training camps shall be furnished from surplus or reserve stocks of the War Department without payment from this appropriation, except for actual expense C urrent price to incurred in the manufacture or issue : Provided further, That in no govern . case shall the amount paid from this appropriation for uniforms, equipment, or materiel furnished in accordance with law for use at citizens' military training camps from stocks under control of the War Department be in excess of the price current at the time the issue is made . Under the authorizations contained in this Act no issues of reserve Army Restriction reserv e suppl ies . supplies or equipment shall be made where such issues would impair the reserves held by the War Department for two field armies or one million men .