Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/666

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 165 . APR IL 26, 1934 . CaliforniaD0briS of New York City ; for expenses of the California Debris Commis- CoVoll . . 27, p.507.

sion in carrying on the work authorized by the Act approved March U .S.C ., p .1086.

1, 1893 (U.S .C ., title 33, sec . 661) ; for examinations, surveys, and Printing . contingencies of rivers and harbors ; and for printing, including illus- trations, as may be authorized by the Committee on Printing of the House of Representatives, either during a recess or session of Con- Vol. 45, p. 538.

gress, of surveys under House Document Numbered 308, Sixty-ninth U .S .C ., Supp . VII, Congress, first session, and section 10 of the Flood Control Act, p .786. approved May 15, 1928 (U.S.C ., Supp . VI, title 33 sec . 702j), and such surveys as may be printed during a recess of C i ongress shall be printe d as d ocumen ts of the ne xt suc ceeding sessi on of Congre ss, an d for the purchase of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles and Provisos .

motor boats, for official use, not to exceed $122,417 : Provided, That Unaut hori zed proj- ects forbidden .

no funds shall be ex p Island as an a irport

ended for any preliminary examination, survey, Survey of G opors project, or estimate not authorized b y law, $23,966,645, of which sum $50,000 shall be available, under the direction of the President, for conducting a survey of Governors Island, New York, to deter- mine its usefulness and adaptability as an airport and the cost of Power-driven boat accomplishing all work incidental to effecting the change : Provided restriction. furt her, T hat no appropriation under the Corps of Engineers for the fiscal year 1935 shall be available for any expense incident to oper- ating any power-driven boat or vessel on other than Government vehicles Purchase of motor business : Provided further, That authority is granted for the pur- Vol. 38, p. 508 .

chase of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles and motor U.S.C.,p. 33. boats, not to exceed $52,900, to be paid from available funds for " Floo d co ntrol , Mis siss ippi River and trib utari es ", and not to exceed $2,250 to be paid from available funds for " Flood control, Sacramento River, California ", for official use in connection with such works . Flood control .

Flood control, Mississippi River and tributaries : For prosecuting etc.

Riv er, work of flood contr ol in accord ance w ith the provi sions of the Flood suv naiii, p.1784. C ., Control Act, approved May 15, 1928 (U .S .C ., Supp. VII, title 33, se c . 702a), $29,000, 000 . Emerg ency fun d for tributaries .

Emergency fund for flood control on tributaries of Mississippi . Vol. 45, p. 537 ; Vol. River : For rescue work and for repair or maintenance of any flood- 46,

787 . Supp . Vu, control work on any tributaries of the Mississippi River threatened p .786. or des troyed by fl ood, i n acco rdance with s ection 7 of Flood Contro l Act, approved May 15, 1928 (U.S.C ., Supp . VI, title 33, sec . 702g), $341,291 . Panama Canal .

THE P ANAMA CANAL Limitations not ap- Th e lim itat ions on th e exp endi ture of ap prop riati ons h erein be- o le to appropria- tions

fore made in this Act shall not apply to the appropriations for the dons for . Pan ama Canal . All expenses .

For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the mainte- objects specified . nance and operation, sanitation, and civil government of the Panama Canal and Canal Zone, including the following : Compensation of all officials and employees ; foreign and domestic newspapers and period- icals ; law books not exceeding $1,000 ; textbooks and books of reference ; printing and binding, including printing of annual report ; rent and personal services in the District of Columbia ; purchase or exchange of typewriting, adding, and other machines ; purchase or exchange, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles, claims for damages to claims for damages. vessels passing through the locks of the Panama Canal, as authorized by the Panama Canal Act ; claims for losses of or damages to prop- erty arisi ng fr om t he co nduct of autho rized busi ness oper ation s ; claims for damages to property arising from the maintenance and