Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/701

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. II . CH . 263. MAY 9, 1934 .

675 other person knowingly participating, or aiding, in the exceeding of said quota or allotment, shall forfeit to the United States a sum equal to three times the current market value of such excess, which forfeiture shall be recoverable in a civil suit brought in the name of the United States . "(6) The several district courts of the United States are hereby in district vested with jurisdiction specifically to enforce, and to prevent and restrain any person from violating, the provisions of this section, or of any order, regulation, agreement, or license heretofore or here- after made or issued pursuant to this title, in any proceeding now pending or hereafter brought in said courts . "(7) Upon the request of the Secretary of Agriculture, it shall be the iDistrict a ct or ee meno duty of the several district attorneys of the United States, in their proceedings. respective districts, under the directions of the Attorney General, to i nsti tute pro ceed ings to enfo rce the reme dies and to coll ect the forfeitures provided for in, or pursuant to, this title . "(8) The remedies provided for in this section shall be in addi- Remedies . tion to, and not exclusive of, any of the remedies or penalties pro- vided for elsewhere in this title or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity . " (9 ) The term' person ' as us ed in this ti tle inc ludes an indi vidual, "Person" defined . partnership, corporation, association, and any other business unit ." SEC. 5 . Paragraph (6) of subsection (d) of section 9 of the Agri- Ante, pp . 529, 1i7, 1- cultural Adjus tment Act, as amended, is hereby renumbe red (7) . SEC. 6 . Section 9 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended, Po8t p. 1242. is amended, by adding after subsection (e) thereof the following new subsection "(f) For the purposes of part 2 of this title, processing shall be "Processing" in- cludes manufacturing " held to includ e manufacturi ng . " Ante p.37. SEC. 7 . Subsection (f) of section 10 of the Agricultural Adjust- Application of title ment Act, as amended, is amended by striking out the period at to possession of U .S . the end of such subsection and adding a semicolon and the follow- ing : " except that, in the case of sugar beets and sugarcane, the Presid ent, if he fi nds it necessa ry in order t o effec tuate the dec lared policy of this Act, is authorized by proclamation to make the pro- visions of this title applicable to the Philippine Islands, the Virgin Islan ds, Am erican Samo a, the Canal Zone, and/ or the islan d of Guam. "

Ante, p . 39. SEC. 8. Section 15 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection "(f) The President, in his discretion, is authorized by procla- lccP t ocessnnsutlax pe r- mation to decr ee that all o r part of the taxes collect ed from the sessi ons, etc . processing of sugar beets or sugarcane in Puerto Rico, the Territory of Hawaii, the Philippine Islands, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Canal Zone, and/or the island of Guam (if the provisions of this title are made applicable thereto), and/or upon the processing in continental United States of sugar produced in, or coming from, said areas, shall not be covered into the general fund of the Treasury Discretionary main- f

tenants as separate of the United States but shall be held as a separate fund, in the t Expenaiturerorbene name of the respective area to which related, to be used and expended fit oflocal agriculture . for the benefit of agriculture and/or paid as rental or benefit pay- ments in connection with the reduction in the acreage, or reduction in the production for market, or both, of sugar beets and/or sugar- cane, and/or used and expended for expansion of markets and for removal of surplus agricultural products in such areas, respectively . as the Secretary of Agriculture, with the approval of the President, shall direct ."