Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/79

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 25. MAY 12, 1933 . enters into an agreement with any government or governments under the terms of which the ratio between the value of gold and other currency issued by the United States and by any such govern- ment or governments is established, the President may fix the weight of the gold dollar in accordance with the ratio so agreed upon, and such gold dollar, the weight of which is so fixed, shall be the standard unit of value, and all forms of money issued or coined by the United States shall be maintained at a parity with this standard and it shall be the duty of the Secre tary of the T reasur y to m aintai n such parity, but in no event shall the weight of the gold dollar be fixed so as to reduce its present weight by more than 50 per centum . SEC. 44. The Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of the President, is hereby authorized to make and promulgate rules and regulations covering any action taken or to be taken by the Presi- dent under subsection (a) or (b) of section 43 . SEC . 45. (a) The President is authorized, for a period of six months from the date of the passage of this Act, to accept silver in payment of the whole or any part of the principal or interest now due, or to become due within six months after such date, from any forei gn go vernm ent or go vernm ents on a ccoun t of any indeb tedne ss to the United States, such silver to be accepted at not to exceed the price of 50 cents an ounce in United States currency . The aggre- ate value of the silver accepted under this section shall not exceed 200,000,0 00 . (b) The silve r bull ion ac cepted and r eceived under the p rovisi ons of this secti on sha ll be subjec t to t he requ iremen ts of existi ng law and the regulations of the mint service governing the methods of determining the amount of pure silver contained, and the amount of the charges or deductions, if any, to be made; but such silver bullion shall not be counted as part of the silver bullion authorized or required to be purchased and coined u nder the provisions of existing law . (c) The silve r acce pted a nd rec eived under t he pro vision s of t his section shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States, to be held, used, and disposed of as in this section provided . (d) The Secre tary of the Treasu ry sha ll caus e silv er cer tifica tes to be issued in such denominations as he deems advisable to the total number of dollars for which such silver was accepted in pay- ment of debts . Such silver certificates shall be used by the Treasurer of the United States in payment of any obligations of the United States . (e) The silver so accepted and received under this section shall be coined i nto stand ard silve r dollars and sub sidiary c oins suff icient, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury, to meet any demands for redemption of such silver certificates issued under the provisions of this section, and such coins shall be retained in the Treasury for the payment of such certificates on demand . The silver so accepted and received under this section, except so much thereof as is coined under the provisions of this section, shall be held in the Treasury for the sole purpose of aiding in maintaining the parity of such cer- tificates as provided in existing law . Any such certificates or reis- su ed cer tifica tes, w hen pr esente d at t he Trea sury, shall be red eemed in standard silver d ollars, o r in subs idiary s ilver coi n, at the option of the holder of the certificates : Provided, That, in the redemption of such sil ver certi ficates i ssued und er this section, not to ex ceed one third of the coin required for such redemption may in the judgment of the Secretary of the Treasury be made in subsidiary coins, the balance to be made in standard silver dollars . 53 Weigh t of gold doll ar fixed by international agreement . To be standard unit of value. Parity maintenance . Minimum weight of gold dollar . Post, p. 342. Rules, etc ., to be promulgated . Ante, p. 51 . Acceptance of silver for ensuing six months, i ndebt edne ss of fore ign governments. Limitation on aggre- gate amount Silver bullion to be s ubjec t to law requi re- ments . Deposit in Treasury for uses designated . Silver

certificates, issue of . Post, p. 342. Coinage . Redemption. Purpose of aiding in maintaining parity of certificates. Certificates redeem- able in silver dollars, etc. Protuo. Subsidiary coins .