Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/798

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73d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHS . 277-279 . MAY 10, 11, 1934 . GEN ER AL PROVI- (b) The terms "includes" and "including" when used in a defi- "Include N and "in- nition contained in this Act shall not be deemed to exclude other eluding ."

things otherwise within the meaning of the term defined . SEC. 802. SEPARAB ILITY CLAUSE . If any provision of this Act, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Act, and the application of such provisions to other persons or circum- stances, shall no t be affe cted ther eby . Effective date.

SEC. 803. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ACT. Ex cept a s othe rwise provid ed, th is Act shall take e ffect upon i ts enac tmen t. Approved, May 10, 1934, 11 .40 a .m. [CHAPTER 278 .] M 10, 1 W 934.

AN ACT 2460.] To limit the operation of statutes of limitations in certain cases . [Publ ic, No. 2 17 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Statute of limita- United States of America in Congress assembled, Th at whenever tions . Return of new indict- an indictment is found defective or insufficient for any cause, after ment after period pre- the period prescribed b the applicable statute of limitations has scribed by, has expir ed .

y expired, a new indictment may be returned at any time during the next succeeding term of court following such finding, during which a grand jury thereof shall be in session . If period will expire SEC . 2 . Whene ver an indic tment is fou nd def ective or ins uffici ent before end of next reg- for any cause, before the period prescribed by the applicable statute ular term. of limitations has expired, and such period will expire before the end of the next regular term of the court to which such indictment was returned, a new indictment may be returned not later than the end of the next succeeding term of such court, regular or special, following the term at which such indictment was found defective or insu fficie nt, du ring w hich a grand jury t hereof shall be in sessi on . Defense ofstatute not SEC. 3 . In the event of reindictment under the provisions of this to prevail against new indictment . Act t he defens e of the statute o f limitat ions sha ll not pr evail aga inst the new indictment, any provision of law to the contrary notwith- standing . Not applicable when SEC . 4 . The provisions of this Act shall not apply to any indict- statute has run .

ment agains t whic h the statut e of l imitati ons ha s run at the date of approval hereof . Approved, May 10, 1934 . [CHAPTER 279 .] AN ACT May 11, 1934 . [S . 285.]

To authorize the addition of certain lands to the Ochoco National Forest,Oregon . [Public, No . 218 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Ochoco Nat ional United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following Forest, ores. Lands added to .

described public lands are hereby included in and made a part of the Ochoco National Forest, Oregon, subject to all the laws and Prior righ ts not regula tions applic able t o nati onal f orests, but s uch in clusio n shal l affected,

not affect any entry or vested rights acquired under the public land Description of added laws prior to the passage of this Act : The west half southeast area . quarter, and the southwest quarter section 7 ; the southwest quarter northeast quarter, the northwest quarter northwest quarter, the south Separ abili ty c lause .