Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/820

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 325, 333 . MAY 21, 22, 1934. Exhibits previously entered and under con- tin uous cust oms cus- tody, etc ., transfer priv- ileges . A Century of Pro g- ress deemed sole con- signee of merchandise . Expenses reimbursa- ble . Deposit of, as re- funds . Vol.46,p741. [CHAPTER 333 .] May 22,1934 .

AN ACT [S . 2845 .] To extend the provisions of the National Motor Vehicle Theft Act to other stolen [Public, No . 246 .1

prop erty . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the " National Stolen Property Act ." SEC . 2. That when used in this Act- (a) The term "interstate or foreign commerce" shall mean trans- portation from one State, Territory, or the District of Columbia to another State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, or to a foreign country, or from a foreign country to any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia . (b) The term "securities" shall include any note, stock certifi- cate, bond, debenture, check, draft, warrant, traveler's check, letter of credit, warehouse receipt, negotiable bill of lading, evidence of indebtedness, certificate of interest or participation in any profit- sharing agreement, collateral-trust certificate, preorganization cer- tific ate or subscr iption, transf erable share, invest ment c ontract , vot- ing-trust certificate ; certificate of interest in property, tangible or intangible ; instrument or document or writing evidencing owner- ship of goods, wares, and merchandise ; or transferring or assigning any right, title, or interest in or to goods, wares, and merchandise, or, in general, any instrument commonly known as a " security ", or any certificate of interest or participation in, temporary or interim certificate for, receipt for, warrant, or right to subscribe to or purchase any of the foregoing, or any forged, counterfeited, or spurious representation of any of the foregoing . (c) The term "money " shall mean the legal tender of the United States or of any foreign country, or any counterfeit thereof . SEC . 3 . Whoever shall transport or cause to be transported in interstate or foreign commerce any goods, hares, or merchandise, securities, or money, of the value of $5,000 or more theretofore stolen or taken feloniously by fraud or with intent to steal or National Stolen Property Act. Definitions . "Interstate or foreign commerce ." "Securities ." "Mon ey ." Stole n goo ds, secur i- ties, or money . Transporting in inter- state or foreign com- merce . such articles were not sufficiently marked when imported into the United States : Provided furth er, That articles, which have been admit ted without p ayment of duty for exhibiti on under any tariff law and which have remained in continuous customs custody or under a cus toms exhibiti on bond, and i mported artic les in bonded ware- houses under the general tariff law may be accorded the privilege of transfer to and entry for exhibition at the said exposition under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe : And provided further, That A Century of Progress shall be deelned, for customs purposes only, to be the sole consignee of all merchandise imported under the provisions of this Act, and that the actual and necessary customs charges for labor, services, and other expenses in connection with the entry, examination, appraisement, release, or custody, together with the necessary charges for salaries of customs officers and employees in connection with the supervision, custody of, and accounting for, articles imported under the provisions of this Act, sh all be reimbu rsed by A Cent ury of Progre ss to the Gove rn- ment of the United States under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and that receipts from such reimburse- ments shall be deposited as refunds to the appropriation from which paid, in the manner provided for in section 524, Tariff Act of 1930 . Approv ed, Ma y 21, 1934 .