Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/905

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 390. JUNE 5, 1934 .

879 [CHAPTER 390 .1 AN ACT June 5, 1934 . To provide for changing the time of the meeting of Congress, the beginning of [S . 2745 .] the terms of Members of Congress, and the time when the electoral votes shall [Public, No . 286 .1 be counted, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 152 of t he Rev ised Statutes (U .S .C., title 3, sec . 41) is he reby amende d by striking out the words " f o ur th day of March " and inserting in lieu thereof " 20th day of January " . SEC . 2 . Secti on 25 of the Rev ised Sta tutes (U.S.C., title 2, sec. 7) is hereby amended by striking out the words " fourth day of March " and inserting in lieu thereof "3d day of January " . SEC . 3. Section 1 of the Act e ntitle d "An Act provid ing a tem- porary method of conducting the nomination and election of United States Senators ", app ro ved J une 4, 1914 (U.S .C ., title 2, sec . 1), is hereby ame nded by st riking out " fourth day of March " and inserting in lie u thereof " 3d day of January ". SEC . 4. The first sentence of section 20 of the Act entitled "An Act to declare the purpose of the people of the United States as to the future political status of the people of the Philippine Islands, and to provide a more autonomous government for those islands ", approved August 29, 19 16 (U .S .C ., title 48, sec . 1091), is hereby amended by striking out the words " fourth day of March " and inserting in lieu thereof " 3d day of January " . SEC . 5 . The second sentence of section 36 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide a civil government for Porto Rico, and for other purpo ses", ap prov ed M arch 2, 1917 (U .S .C., title 48, sec . 891), is hereby amended by str ik ing out the words " fourt h of March " and inserting in l ieu thereof "3d day of January " . SEC . 6. The Act entitled "An Act providing for the meeting of electors of President and Vice President and for the issuance and transmission of the certificat es of their sele ction and of the result of their determination, and for other purposes", approved May 29, 1928, is hereby amended as follows (a) By striking out the words " first Wednesday in January " in section 1 of such Act (U .S .C ., Supp . VII, title 3, sec . 5a) and insert- ing in lieu the reof " first Monday after the second Wednesday in December " . (b) By striking out the words "by the third Wednesday in the month of January" in section 5 of such Act (U.S.C., Supp . VII, title 3, sec . lib ) and in sert ing in l ieu ther eof "by the four th Wednesday in Decemb er ". (c) By striking out the words "on the fourth Wednesday of the month of January" in se ction 6 of such Act (U.S.C., Supp . VII, title 3, sec. 11c) and inserting in li eu th er eof "on the fourth Wednesday in Decemb er " . SEC . 7 . The first sentence of section 4 of the Act entitled "An Act to fix the day for the meeting of the e lectors of Presi dent and Vice Preside nt, and to provi de for a nd regul ate the counting of the votes for President and Vice President, and the decision of questions arising thereon ", approved February 3, 1887 (U .S .C ., title 3, sec . 17), is ame nde d by s trik ing out the word s "second" Wednesday in February " and inserting in lieu thereof " sixth day of January " . Approved, June 5, 1934 . The President; com- me ncement of t erm of ofce. Vol . 47, p. 2569 . R S., sec 152

U.S.C ., p.21 . Representatives and Del egates to Co ngress. R .S .,sec .25

U.S.C., p.3. Senators . Vol . 38, p. 384. U.S.C., p.3. Resident Commis- s ioner s, P hilip pine Is- lands. Vol. 39, p. 552. U.S.C.,p. 1630. Resident Co mmis- sioner, Puerto Rico . Vol.39,p. 963. U.S.C.,p. 1625. Meeting and vote of electors . Vol . 45, p. 945. U .S.C., Supp . VII, p. 13. Fai lur e to rec eiv e certificates of electors . Vol.45,p.946. U.S.C., Supp . VII, p.13. Demand on district judge for certi fica te . Vol . 45, p. 947

U.S .C ., Supp. VI I, p.13. Coun ting elec tora l votes in Congress . Vol.24,p . 373. U.S .C.,p.20.