Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/937

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 408, 409, 424 . JUNE 6, 7, 1934 .

911 tion of, and upon such conditions as may be imposed by, the Attorney General of the United States . That there is also hereby ti F urnis hing leading t oarrest. authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, as a reward or rewards for informa- tion leading t o the arrest of any such p erson the sum of $25,000 to be apportioned and expended in the discretion of, and upon such conditions as may be imposed by, the Attorney General of the United States : Provided, Tha t not more t han $2 5,000 shall be ex pende d for information or capture of any one person . If the said persons or any of them shall be killed in resisting mr 1s where fugitive where Pugpi pay- lawful arrest, the Attorney General may pay any part of the k,l ied . reward or rewards in his discretion to the person or persons whom he shall adjudge to be entitled thereto : Provided, That no part of Proviso . the money authorized to be appropriated by this Act shall be paid v iasoPDepartment of to any official or employee of the Department of Justice of the Justice . Uni ted States . Appro ved, June 6, 1934 . [CHAPTER 409 .] JOI NT RESOLUTION Empowering certain agents authorized by the Secretary of Agriculture to ad- minister oaths to applicants for tax-exemption certificates under the Cotton Act of 1934 . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f Ameri ca in Co ngress a ssembled, That any county agent or member of a co unty committe e or communit y committee of a cotton- production-control association who is authorized in writing by the Secretary of Agriculture to act as his agent in the administration of the Agricultural Adjustment Act shall, while he is acting as such agent, have power to administer oaths to persons making applications (if made within the county in which such agent is authorized to act) for tax-exemption certificates under section 6 of the Act of April 21, 1934, entitled "An Act to place the cotton industry on a sound commercial bas is, to preven t unfair comp etition and pr actices in putting cotton into the channels of interstate and foreign commerce, to provide funds for paying additional henefits under the Agricul- ture Adjustment Act, and for other purposes ", but no fee or compensation shall be charged or received by any such agent for administering such an oath . Appro ved, June 6, 1934 . [CHAPTER 424 .] AN ACT To amend an Act enti tled "An Act to esta blish a uniform syst em of bankruptcy throughout the United States", approved July 1, 1898, and Acts amendatory thereof and su pplementary thereto . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unite d Sta tes of Amer ica i n Cong ress assem bled, That the Act of July 1, 1898, entitled "An Act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy thr oughout the U nited States ", as ame nde d b y t he Ac ts of February 5, 1903, June 1 5, 1906, June 25, 1910, March 2, 1917, January 7, 1922, May 27, 1926, February 11, 1932, and March 3, 1933, be, and it is hereby, amended by adding to chapter VIII, entitled "Provisions fo r the relief of debtors", two new sectio ns to read as foll ows Proviso . Res triction . June 6, 1934 . [S.J.Res. 123.] [Pub. Res ., No . 29.] Cotton Act of 1934 . Cer tai n designated ag ents authori zed to administer oaths . Ante, p . 601. No fee to be charged . June 7, 1934 . (H .R. 5884.] [Public, No . 296 .] Ba nkruptcy Act of 1898, amendments . Vol . 30, pp . 544-566

Vol.32, p. 797; Vol.34, p 267; Vol. 36, p. 338

Vol.39, p. 999; Vol.42, p. 354; Vol. 44, p. 662

Vol. 47, p. 1467. U S C., pp. 243-256; Supp VII, p.135.