Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/951

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 424, 425. JU NE 7, 1934 . SEC . 8 . That the first sentence of subsection (a) of section 75 of the Act of July 1, 189 8, en titled "An Act t o est ablish a un iform system of ban kru pt cy th rou gh out the United States " as amended, is amended to read as follows " Within thirty days after the enactment of this Act every court of bankruptcy of which the jurisdiction or territory includes a county or counties having an agricultural population (according to the la st av ailab le Uni ted S tates censu s) of five hundr ed or more farmers shall appoint one or more referees to be known as ` concilia- tion comm issi oner s', one such con cili atio n c ommi ssio ner to be appointed for each county having an agricultural population of five hundred or more farmers according to said census : Provided further, That where any county in any such district contains a smaller num- ber of farmers according to said census, for the purposes of this paragraph such county shall be included with one or more adjacent counties where the population of the counties so combined includes five hun dred or more far mers, ac cording to said c ensus . " SEC . 9 . That the second sentence of subdivision (b) of section 75 of the Act of July 1, 1898, entitled "An Act to establish a uniform system of ban kru pt cy th rou gh out the United States ", as amended, is amended to read as follows : " The conciliation commissioner shall receive as compensation for his services, including all expenses, a fee of $25 for each case docketed and submitted to him, to be paid out of the Treasury ." SEC . 10. That section 76 of the Act of July 1, 1898, as amended, is amended to read as follows " SEC. 76. Extensions made pursuant to the foregoing provisions of th is ch apter shall exte nd the obligation of any person who is secondarily liable for or who may have insured or guaranteed such debt or debts, or any part thereof, or bonds issued upon the security of same, and a copy of the order confirming such extension, certified as required by the provisions of law with reference to judgments and proceedings in courts of the United States, shall be sufficient evidence that such extension has been confirmed in any suit or proc eeding brought against any such person so liable ." Approved, June 7, 1934, 12 o'clock, noon . [CHAPTER 425 .] 925 Conciliation commis- sioners . Vol.47, p. 1470. Appointment, by ba nkruptcy cou rts in every county having 500 or more farmers . Proviso. Inclusion of c ounties unp rovided for . Compensation . Vol . 47, p. 1474. Obligations of per- sons secondarily liable. AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act

June 7, 19] granting a charter to the General Federation [S . 2sss .] of Women's Clu bs ."

[Public, No . 297 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That sections 2 and 4 of the Act entitled "An Act granting a charter to the General Federation of Women's Clubs ", approved Marc h 3, 1901, as am ended by an Act approved April 28, 1904, be, and the sam e are hereby, amend ed to read as fo llows "SEC . 2. That the said corporation is authorized to acquire, by eased rty holdings in- devise, bequest, or otherwise, hold, purchase, and convey such real and personal estate as shall or may be required for the purpose of its incorporation not exceeding $1,500,000, with authority in said cor- poration, should it be by it deemed necessary so to do, to mortgage or otherwise encumber the real estate which it may hereafter own or acquire and may give therefor such eviden ces o f ind ebted- ness as such corporation may decide upon ." " SEC. 4 . That said corporation be, and it is hereby, authorized to hold its meetings at such places outside of Washington, in the District of Columbia, as it from time to time may deem best ." Approved, June 7, 1934 . General Feder atio n of Women's Clubs . Vol .31,p.1439;Vol. 42, p. 490. Places of meeting .