Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/988

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73d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHS. 521, 522. JUNE 14, 1934 . the three counties involved equal in value to that relinquished, said lieu selections to be made in the same manner as is provided for in the Arizona Enabling Act of June 20, 1910 (36 Stat .L. 558), except pay ment of fees as to the payment of fees or com missions whic h are hereby waived . waived .

Pending the completion of exchanges and consolidations authorized No fu rth er allot- by section 2 of this Act, no further allotments of public lands to menu to Navaj os in designated counties . Navajo Indians shall be made in the counties of Apache, Navajo, and Coconino, Arizona, nor shall further Indian homesteads be initi- ated or allowed in said counties to Navajo Indians under the Act of Vol.23,p.56. July 4, 1884 (23 Stat.L. 96) ; and thereafter should allotments to Navajo Indians be made within the above-named counties, they shall be confined to land within the boundaries defined by section 1 of this Act . Arizona may sel ect SEc. 3 . Upo n the comple tion of exc hanges and c onsol idatio ns its school lands in area, afte r co mplet ing ex- authorized by section 2 of this Act, the State of Arizona may, under changes, etc . rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Inte- rior, relinquish to the United States such of its remaining school lands in Coconino, Nava jo, and Apach e Counties as it may see fi t : and sha ll h ave the righ t to sel ect from the vac ant, unr eser ved, and nonmineral public lands in said counties lieu lands equal in value to those relinquished without the payment of fees or commissions . Acquisition, through SEc . 4 . For the purpose of purchasing privately owned lands, purchase o property w o f certain prope rty withi n .

together with the improvements thereon, within the boundaries above defined, there is hereb y authorized to be appropr iated, from an y sum authorized ; re- funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of imbursabie .

$481,879 .38, which sum shall be reimbursable from funds accruing to the Navajo tribal funds as and when such funds accrue and shall Proazsos .

remain available until expended : Provided, That title to the land so Title may be for sur- purchased may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, be fac e se only . f funds for im- taken for the surface only : Provided further, That said funds may p rovements . b e used in p urchasing impr ovements on a ny land withi n said bound- aries or on leased ate school land within the boundaries above defined, provided the State of Arizona agrees to the assignment of said leases to th e Nav ajo Tr ibe of India ns on a ren ewable and preferential basis, and provided the Legislature of said State enacts such laws as may be necessary to avail itself of the exchange pro- visions contained in section 2 of this Act, and disclaim any right, title, or interest in and to any improvements on said lands . Ap proved , June 14, 1934 . [CHAPTER 522 .] AN ACT June 14, 1934 . To reclassify terminal railway> post offices . [Public, No. 353.1

Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Postal service . United States of America in Congress assembled, That th e terminal post Terminall rail way railway post office system shall be maintained for the purpose of [_Gol d. 43i 2 106 3

handling and distributing mail not handled or distributed in rail- way post office lines or post offices, and the clerks in said terminal railway post offices shall be classified as railway postal clerks and classifications of progress ssuccessively to grade 4 . Clerks in charge of terminals, tours, clerks in charge .



, or crews consisting of less than twenty employees shall be of grade 5 . Clerks in charge of terminals, tours, or crews consisting of twenty Relief clerks.

or more employees shall be of grade 6 . When a terminal railway Provisos

post office is operated in three tours there shall be a relief clerk in . Rating of clerks in charge : Provided, That the clerk in charge of terminals having bar g eoflar g e term'- seventy-five or more employees shall be of grade 7 : Provided further, naNo reduction in pay . That no employee in the Postal Service shall be reduced in rank or salary as a result of the provisions of this Act . Approved, June 14, 1934 .