Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/994

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968 Esta blis hment , ti tle, purpose . Composition of Co m- mission . Acceptance of dona- tion, etc . No Federal liability . 73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 543, 545. JUNE 15, 16, 1934 . Whereas the early exploration and occupancy of these vast territorial additions of diversified climate and great riches, down the Ohio and up the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers and over the Santa Fe Trail and the Oregon Trail to the Pacific, stirred and broadened the Nation to a vision of our safety against encroachment from without and of our economic independence from within, that would come with a rounding out of the national boundary by the annexa- tion of Texas and the acquisition of California


Whereas the national expansion of our country westward from its origi nal con fines along t he east ern se aboard to incl ude a contine ntal empire stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific is due in large part to t he vision and genius of Tho mas Jefferson and the other patriotic citizens who worked to the same end ; and Whereas there exists no adequate permanent national memorial to Thomas Jefferson, the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark Expedition, or the other important movements and achievements connected therewith in the Mississippi Valley or elsewhere in the United States ; and Whereas the American people feel a deep debt of gratitude to Thomas Jefferson and all those who contributed to the territorial expansion of our Nation : Now, therefore, be it Resol ved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congr ess assembled, That there is hereby established a commission, to be known as the " United States Ter ritori al Exp ansion Memo rial C ommiss ion " (hereinafter desig- nated as the " United States Commission "), for the p urpose of considering and formulating plans for designing and constructing a permane nt memorial o n the Mississi ppi River, at Saint Louis, Mis- souri, said Commissi on to be compo sed of fiftee n commissioner s as follows : Three persons to be appointed by the President of the United States, three Senators by the President of the Senate, three Mem bers o f the House of Re presen tative s by the Sp eaker of the House of Representatives, and six members of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Association to be selected by such association . SEC. 2. The United States Commission may in its discretion accept from any source, public or private, money or property to be used for the purpose of making surveys and investigations, formulating, pre- paring, and considering plans and estimates for the improvement, construction, or other expenses incurred, or to be incurred . SEC. 3 . The United States shall not be held liable for any obliga- tion or indebtedness incurred by the United States Commission, the State of Missouri, the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Asso- ciation, the city of Saint Louis, Missouri, or any other agency or officer, employee or agent of them, or any of them, for any purpose . Approved, June 15, 1934 . [CHAPTER 545 .] June 1s, 11134.

AN ACT [s .2347.] To amend the I nland Waterways Corp oration Act, approve d June 3, 1924, as [Public, No . 361 ]

amended . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representativ es of the Inland Waterways United States of America in Congress assembled, That subdivision Corporat ion Act amended .

(e) of section 3 of the Act entitled "An Act to create the Inland Common carr ier serv- Waterways Corporation for the purpose of carrying out the man- ice provisions "' tended .

date and purpose of Congress as expressed in sections 201 and 500 Vol . 45, p. 980.

of the Transportation Act, and for other purposes ", approved