Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/267

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FRIENDSHIP, ETC., TREATY-POLAND. JUNE 15,1931. 1539 TM Polish, Amba88ador (Filipowicz) to tM Secretary oj State (Stimson) pTarmstroBot (talk) 19:37, 8 July 2014 (UTC)emeDt bJ AMBASADA POLSKA W WASZYNGTONIE No. 2241/31 June 15, 1931. SIB: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of this date concerning your understanding of the agreement reached regard- ing the requirements for furnishing proof of the origin of imported merchandise entitled to the benefits of the treaty of friendship, com- merce and consular rights signed this day on behalf of Poland and the United States of America, and to confirm that understanding, as follows: In the event that proof of the origin of imported goods is required by either Party pursuant to the provisions of the tenth paragraph of Article VI of the treaty, it is agreed that (1) A declaration by the shipper in the country of origin legalized by a consular representative of the country of final destination resi- dent in the country of origin shall be accepted as satisfactory proof of the origin of the goods. As far as certificates of origin for importa- tion into the Polish customs territory are concerned, the above- mentioned shipper's declaration, before legalization by a consular representative of Poland, has to be certified by a competent Chamber of Commerce or similar organization, subject to the exceptions pro- vided for in subparagraph (a) of paragraph (3) hereof. (2) For indirect shipments an acceptable alternative to the cer- tificate of origin obtained in the country of origin as provided in paragraph (1) shall be proof of origin obtainable in the intermediate country from which the goods are last shipped to the country of final destination. Such proof shall consist of a declaration by the consignor of the goods in the intermediate country before a consular officer of the country of origin resident in the intermediate country, certified by the latter and approved by a consular representative of the country of final destination resident in the intermediate country, it being understood that the consular representatives of the country of origin shall not certify the shipper's declaration for this purpose unless they are satisfied upon examination of documentary or other evidence that the statements made therein are true. (3) The attached form of certificate of origin for use in connection with direct shipments from the United States to Poland and the attached form for use in connection with indirect shipments from the United States to Poland through an intermediate country or countries, respectively, conform to the provisions above set forth, it being understood and agreed, however, that (a) If the circumstances of any particular case render it impracticable for the shi~per of the goods to obtain certification on a certificate of origin by a Chamber of Commerce or similar organization, the certificate of origin may be submitted for authenticA.tion directly to a Polish consular officer, and the fact