Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/283

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MULTILATERAL-NARCOTIC DRUGS. JULY 13,1931. 1555 The substances mentioned in this paragraph shall be considered 8t!!c!s~hetiC as drugs even if produced by a synthetic process. sub- The terms "Group I" and "Group II" shall respectively denote ,,TarmstroBot (talk) 19:40, 8 July 2014 (UTC)ufI ... I" and Groups I and II of this paragraph. 3. "Raw opium" means the spontaneously coagulated juice ob- "Raw opium. " tained from the capsules of the Papaver 80mnijerum L., which has only been submitted to the necessary manipulations for packing and transport, whatever its content of morphine. "Medical opium" means raw opium which has undergone the "Medical opium." processes necessary to adapt it for medicinal use in accordance with the requirements of the national pharmacopreia, whether in powder form or granulated or otherwise or mixed with neutral materials. "Morphine" means the principal alkaloid of opium having the "Morphine." chemical formula C 17H 1e0 3N. "Diacetylmorphine" means diacetylmorphine (diamorphine, hero- P~i~~.!acetYlmor. in) having the formula C21H230 6N (CI1H17(CaHaO)a03N). "Coca leaf" means the leaf of the Erythroxylon Ooca Lamarck and "Coca leaf. " the Erythrorylon novogranatense (Morris) HuronymU8 and their varieties, belonging to the family of Erythroxylacem and the leaf of other species of this genus from which it may be found possible to extract cocaine, either directly or by chemical transformation. "Cocaine" means methyl-benzoyl laevo-ecgonine ([cr] D 200 _ "Cocaine.. - 160 4) in 20 per cent solution of chloroform of which the formula is C17H210,N. • " EcgOnine. " "Ecgonine" means laevo-ecgonme ([cr] D 20° - - 45°6 in 5 per cent solution of water), of which the formula is CeH 160aN.H20, and all the derivatives of laevo-ecgonine which might serve industrially for its recovery. The following drugs are defined by their chemical formulae as set out below: Dihydrohydrooxycodeinone Dihydrocodeinone. . . . . Dihydromorphinone . . . Acetyldihydrocodeinone or} Acetyldemethylodihydro- thebaine. Dihydromorphine . . . . Morphine-N -Oxide Thebaine.... . Methylmorphine (codeine). Ethylmorphine. . . . . . Benzylmorphine . . . . . C1sH 210,N C1aH210aN C17H u,OaN C:wH230 ,N · C17H 210 aN · C17H1eO,N CleH210aN ClaHlIlO.N · C1eH230.N · C2,H2I10 aN 4. The term "manufacture" shall include any process of refining. The term "conversion" shall denote the transformation of Q, drug by a chemical process, with the exception of the transformation of alkaloids into their salts. When one of the drugs is converted into another of the drugs this operation shall be considered as conversion in relation to the first. mentioned drug and as manufacture in relation to the other. . . Manufacture." "Conversion. "