Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/379

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RECTIFICATION OF THE RIO GRANDE-MEXICO. FEB. 1, 1933. 1651 provided to take care of possible larger Hoods and silt depletion. Provision must also be made to store the probable spill from Elephant Butte during times of Hood run-off below the dam. Fifty thousand (50,000) acre feet (61,675,000 cubic meters) are allowed for this item and would probably store three or four days' spill. This would j>ermit the floods entering below Caballo to have receded. (c) Of the total proposed stor- age of one hundred thousand (100,000) acre feet (123.350,000 cubic meters) approximately fifty thousand (50,000) acre feet (61,- 675,000 cubic meters) are allowed for flood storage and silt deple- tion, and fifty thousand (50,000) acre feet (61,675,000 cubic meters) for the control of spill from Ele- phant Butte. 2. - Segregated Tract8. (a) In order that neither na- tion shall sacrifice national area, it is required that the total land to be segregated or cut off from one country shall equal that to be segregated or cut off from the other. On the attached maps these tracts and their total areas have been shown. Fifty-nine (59) separate tracts will be cut from Mexico and sixty-five (65) sepa- rate tracts will be cut from the United States. Their areas vary from 0.10 hectares (.25 acre) to 151 hectares (377 acres). The approximate total area to be cut from Mexico is one thousand four hundred (1400) hectares (3460 acres) and the approximate total area to be cut from the United States is one thousand four hun- dred (1400) hectares (3460 acres). 3.- San Elizario Island. (a) Two alternate routes for the location of the rectified chan- nel along the San Elizario Island are shown on Exhibit No.2. One ra recibir azolves y crecientes MlDuteNo.l2eofIn· . ternatlonal Bo9Ddar7 mas grandes que pueden ocurnr. Commlsaion-COBicl. Debe tambien preverse una capa- cidad suficiente para retener las demasias probables de la Presa del Elefante durante 1& epoca de ere- cientes abajo de la Presa, ha- bi6ndose destinado a este fin un volumen de 61.675,000 metros cubicos (50.000 acres pies), que corresponde al derrame de la Presa del Elefante durante tres 0 cuatro dias. De esta manera se dara tiempo a que bajen las crecientes abajo de Caballo, antes de que sea necesario dejar salir agua de esta Presa. (c) Del almacenamiento total proyectado de 123.350,000 metros cubicos (100.000 acres pies), la mitad aproximadamente, 0 sean 61.675,000 metros cubicos (50.000 acres pies) se destinan al alma- cenamiento de aguas de creciente y al azolve, y la otra mitad, 0 sean 61.675,000 metros cubicos (50.000 acres pies) al control de las demasfas del Elefante. 2. - Terreno8 por Segregar. (a) A fin de que ninguno de los dos paises sufra pcrdida de territorio N acional, se ha es- tablecido como requisito funda- mental que la extensi6n total de terreno que se segregue de un pais sea igual a la que se segregue del otro. En los pIanos adjuntos aparecen estos terrenos por segre- gar y sus areas totales, figurando 59 parcelas que deberlm segre- garse de Mexico y 65 parcelas por segregar de los Estados Unidos, con areas variables desde 0.10 hectareas (0.25 acres) hasta 151 hectareas (377 acres). La extensi6n total aproximada que se segregara de Mexico es de 1400 hectaras (3460 acres) y la ex- tensi6n total aproximiLda _que se segregara de los Estados Uni- dos es tambien de 1400 hectaras (3460 acres). 3.-Isla de San Elizario. (a) En el anexo No.2 aparecen a10largodelaIsladeSan Elizario dos trazos para el cauce rectificado, de los cuales uno