Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/401

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RECTIFICATION OF THE RIO GRANDE-MEXICO. FEB . 1, 1933. 1669 del Rio Bravo (Rio Grande), en el tramo que comprende dicha Convenci6n, los dos Gobiernos declaran por este cambio de notas que el espfritu y terminos de 10. Convenci6n de febrero 10. de 1933 no alteran las disposiciones de las Convenciones actualmente vigentes respecto ala utilizaci6n de agua del Rio Bravo (Rio Grande) y que, en consecuencia, estos asuntos permanecen sin ser afectados de modo alguno y exactamente en el mismo status que exist!a antes de que 10. Convenci6n de 10. de febrero de 1933 fuera celebrada. Aprovecho 10. oportunidad para renovar a Vuestra Excelencia las eeguridades de mi mas alta consideraci6n. EXCELENTiSIMO SEA-OR JOSEPHUS DANIELS, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos de Am~rica. Presente. [TraDIIlationj MINISTRY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS UNITED MEXICAN STATES MEXICO PUIG MEXICO, September 8, 19S5. MR. AMBASSADOR: In order to facilitate the early exchange of ratifications of the Convention signed between Mexico and the United States for the rectification of the Rio Bravo (Rio Grande) in the Juarez Valley, dated February 1, 1933, and in order to establish clearly the under- standing of both Governments with respect to the question of rights and use of waters of the Rio Bravo (Rio Grande) along the stretch covered by said Convention, the two Governments declare through this exchange of notes that the spirit and terms of the Convention of February 1, 1933, do not alter the provisions of Conventions now in force as regards the utilization of water from the Rio Bravo (Rio Grande) and that, consequently, these matters remain entirely unaf- fected and in exactly the same status as existed before the Conven- tion of February 1, 1933, was concluded. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my high consideration. HIS EXCELLENCY MR. JOSEPHUS DANIELS, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary oj the United States oj America, Mexico. PUIG