Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/560

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1818 October 16, 1933. PILOT LICENSES-CIVIL AIRCRAFT-NORWAY. Arrangement between the United State8 Qf America and Norway relating to issue oj pilot license8 to operate civil aircraft. Effected by exchange oj notes, signed October 16, 1933; effective November 15,1933. The Secretary oj State (Hull) to tM Norwegian Minister (Bachke) SIR: DEPA.RTMENT OF STA.TE, Washington, October 16, 1933. Reci t Pfo.caI th anN ange- Reference is made to the negotiations which have taken place men WI orway • providing for Issuance between the Government of the United States of Amenca and the of pilot licenses to oper- • atealrcratt. Government of Norway for the conclusion of a reCIprocal arrange- ment between the United States of America and Norway providing for the issuance by the one country of licenses to nationals of the other country authorizing them to pilot civil aircraft. It is my understanding that it has been agreed in the course of the negotiations, now terminated, that this arrangement shall be as follows: ARTICLE 1 Sc~pe at arrange- The present arrangement between the United States of America men. and Norway relates to the issuance by each country of licenses to " C ivil aircraft" con- nationals of the other country for the piloting of civil aircraft. The strued. term "civil aircraft" shall be understood to mean aircraft used for private, industrial, commercial or transport purposes. Issue of licenses. Privileges accorded. ARTICLE 2 (a) The Ministry of Defense of Norway will issue pilots' licensl's to American nationals upon a showing that they are qualified under the regulations of that Ministry covering the licensing of rilots. (b) The Department of Commerce of the United States 0 America will issue pilots' licenses to Norwegian nationals upon a showing that they are <}ualified under the regulations of that Department covering the licensmg of pilots. ARTICLE 3 (a) Pilots' licenses issued by_ the Department of Commerce of the United States of America to Norwegian nationals shall entitle them to the same l>rivileges as are granted by pilots' licenses issued to American natlonals. (b) Pilots' licenses issued by the Ministry of Defense of Norway to American nationals shall entitle them to the same privileges as are granted by pilots' licenses issued to Norwegian nationals.