Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/639

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Holaday, Ross E., payment to widow of __ Holiday, C. J., reimbursement oL ______ _ Holland, A. W ., compensation oL ______ _ Holy Family Hospital, Saint Ignatius, Mont., payment to_______________ _ Horne. William C., payment to________ _ Horton, Harry H., decoration awarded to_ Houghton, Virginia, pttyment to _____ . . __ Howard Co., Inc., R. S ., claim adjust- nlent ___________________________ _ Howe, Chester, claim adjustmenL _____ _ Hudson, J. B ., payment to ____________ _ Hudson, L. P ., claim adjustment_______ _ Hulbert, Judd W., reinstatement to dis- ability compensation rolls_________ _ Hummer Mortuary, payment to _______ _ Hunsinger, R. A., reimbursement oL ___ _ Hunter, Harvey M., reimbursement oL_ I Ice, E. Clarence, payment ttL _________ _ Immigration of Aliens, establishing an- nual quotas _____________________ _ Income Tax, relief from double. See Shipping Profits. India, silver agreemenL ______________ _ International Arms and Fuze Company, Inc., claims of, referred to Court of Claims _________________________ _ International Settlement, Shanghai, agree- ment respecting Chinese courts ex- tended__________________________ _ Irish Free State, agreement on relief from double income tax on shipping profits __________________________ _ J James, Robert B., refund of fine _______ _ Jeffcoat, George, payment to __________ _ Jefferson, Ward A., double salary restric- tion waived _____________________ _ Jelna, Paul, military record corrected ___ _ Jewell, Jeannette S., payment to ______ _ John N. Knauff Co., Inc., payment to ___ _ Johns, Emil, claim settlemenL _________ _ Johnson, Estelle, redemption of certificate of indebtedness in favor of- _______ _ Johnson, Geo. E . Q ., payment to______ _ Johnson, Mrs. O . B ., payment to ______ _ Johnson, Rupert R., payment to _______ _ Jones, Anna H., claim adjustmenL ____ _ K Kansas City Southern Railway Co., etc., emergency board created to investi- gate, etc., dispute between, and em- ployees _____ ... ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ __ _ Keith, G. J ., estate, suit authorized ____ _ INDEX. vii Page. 1362 1355 1433 1296 1417 1373 1435 1378 1467 1411 1467 1388 1410 1372 1329 1450 1697 1879 1452 1772 1842 1337 1336 1329 1419 1396 1466 1304 1386 1396 1440 1417 1368 1696 1352 Keith, J. L ., suit authorized ___________ _ Kelley, Glenna F., credit in postal ac- counts __________________________ _ Kenely, William J., payment to ________ _ Kettering, Elmer, redemption of Liberty bonds___________________________ _ Key, W. H ., etc., payment to __________ _ Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, agreement on diplomatic and consular representa- tion, juridical protection, commerce and navigation. ___________ - ______ _ Kinman, Captain Guy M., payment to __ _ Klamath Irrigation Project, Oreg. -Calif.: Exchange of lands with Colonial Realty COInpany _____________________ _ Credit for water charges paid on damaged land _______________ _ Knapp, Milburn, payment to __________ _ Knutson, Karen, payment to __________ _ Kressin, Joseph M., payment to _______ _ L Page. 1352 1366 1407 1450 1444 1826 1322 1295 1300 1380 1440 1414 Labor Disputes, railroads and employees, emergency boards created_ _________ 1696, 1702, 1718, 1719, 1732, 1735 Labor Wage Rates, building contracts, suspending provisions of Davis-Bacon Act______________________________ 1745 Lacey, David L., payment to __ .. __ _______ 1417 Lackey, Oscar F., estate clailll adjust- ment. ___________________________ 1342 Lafayette: Committee 011 arrangements for com- memoration of centennial of death of _______________________________ 1473 Joint session of Congress_ ____________ 1476 Printing of proceedings ordered _______ 1480 Lafayette Memorial Day Proclamation ___ 1744 Lake Denmark, N.J ., payment of damage claims caused by explosions at. __ _ _ _ 1341 Laminated Products, decrease rates of dutyon __________________________ 1738 Lamson, Nellie, payment to estate oL__ __ 1379 Larkin, Earl V., payment to___ _________ _ 1403 Larson, Bernard, payment to_ __________ 1440 Larson, Clarence, payment to_ __________ 1440 Larson, L. M., payment to___ __ __ _______ 1440 Las Vegas, Nev., post office, payment for certain material and labor__________ 1353 Lawrence, Silas B., paymentto_____ __ __ _ 1458 Leavenworth, Kans., paymcnts to certain claimants for property d~magcs_ ____ 1414 Lebanon Equity Exchanle, Nebr., rcfund of income, etc., taxes___ ____________ 1305 Ledendecker, Della D., chiropractic license grantedto________________________ 1316 Le Due, W. H ., reimbursement oL _______ 1374 Lee, Gale A., credit in postal accounts_ ___ 1345