Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1023

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74TH CONGRE SS . SESS . I. CE. 814. AUGUST 29, 1935. Federal Trade Com-


includin g

of sections 9 and 10 of the mission Act ; appli- cability


provisions, of.

Fe eral Trade C ommiss ion A c penalties, s now r hereafter amended, shall CVool.538,p.722; U.S' be applicable to the jurisdiction, powers, and duties of the Admin- istrator, and to any person (whether or not a corporation) subject to the provisions of l aws administere d by the Admin istrator . Reports to Adminis- (h) The Administrator is authorized to require, in such manner trator . and form as he shall prescribe, such reports as are necessary to carry out his powers and duties . To Cong ress . (i) The Administrator shall make a report to Congress, at the beginning of each regular session, of the administration of the func- tions with which he is charged, and shall include in such report the names and compensation of all persons employed by the Adminis- tr ation . Unlawful businesses without permit

UNLAWFUL BUS INE SSE S WIT HOU T PER MIT . SEc . 3 . In order effectively to regulate interstate and foreign com- merce in distilled spirits, wine, and malt beverages, to enforce the twen ty-first amendm ent, and to pro tect the reven ue and enforce the postal laws with respect to distilled spirits, wine, and malt beverages (a) It shall be unlawful, except pursuant to a basic permit issued under this Act by the Administrator- dis tilled spirits, wine, or I spirits, of or

(1) to engage in the business of importing into the United States malt bevera g es .

distilled spirits, wine, or malt beverages ; or Interstate or foreign

(B) for any person so engaged to sell, offer or deliver for sale, sale or delivery.

contract to sell, or ship, in interstate or foreign commerce, directly or indirectly or through an affiliate, distilled spirits, wine, or malt beverages so imported . section . E

e gate of sub- Th is sub section shall take effect sixty days a fter t he dat e upon which the Administrator first appointed under this Act takes office . (b) It shall be unlawful, except pursuant to a basic permit issued under this Act by the Administrator- cure . Unlawful manufac-

(1) to engage in the business of distilling distilled spirits, pro- ducing wine, rectifying or blending distilled spirits or wine, or Interstate or foreign

bottling, or warehousing and bottling, distilled spirits ; or sale or delivery through

(2) for any person so engaged to sell, offer or deliver for sale, affil iate _ contract to sell, or ship, in interstate or foreign commerce, directly or indirectly or through an affiliate, distilled spirits or wine so distilled, produced, rectified, blended, or bottled, or warehoused and bottled . Section . Effective date of sub- Th is sub section shall take effect sixty days a fter t he dat e upon which the Administrator first appointed under this Act takes offi ce. (c) It shall be unlawful, except pursuant to a basic permit issued unlawful purchasing under this Act by the Administrator- for resale at wholesale .

(1) to engage in the business of purchasing for resale at whole- sale distilled spirits, wine, or malt beverages ; or interstate or foreign sale or delivery through

(2) for any person so e ngaged to rece ive or to sell, offer or aff ili ate .

deliver for sale, contract to sell, or ship, in interstate or foreign commerce, directly or indirectly or through an affiliate, distilled spirits, wine, or malt beverages so purchased . seE ective date of sub- This subsection shall take effect March 1, 1936 . Post, p .1152.

This section shall not apply to any agency of a State or political Section not appli- cable to State agency, subdivision thereof or any officer or employee of any such agency, etc .

and no such agency or officer or employee shall be required to obtain a basic permit under this Act . Permits . PERMITS Persons entitled to basi c pri

SeC . 4. (a) The following persons shall, on application therefor, be entitled to a basic permit