Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1053

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100 8 "Producer ." "Captive coal." Ef fect ive d ate of sec- tion 3. Ante, p . 9 93. Of other sections . Duration of Act . A ppropri ation authorized . Short title . Annex to Act- Schedule of Districts . Eastern Pennsylva- ni a. Western Pennsylva- nia. 74TH C ONGR ESS . SESS . I. CH . 824. AUGUST 30, 1935. lignite. The term " producer " shall include all persons, firms, asso- ciations, corporations, trustees, and receivers engaged in mining bituminous coal . The term " captive coal " shall include all coal produced at a mine for consumption by the producer or by a sub- sidiary or affiliate thereof, or for use in the production of coke or other forms of manufactured fuel by such producer or subsidiary or affi liate . SEC . 20 . Sectio n 3 of this Act shall bec ome effective on -the 1st day of the third calendar month after the enactment of this Act, unless t he Commi ssion s hall not at tha t time h ave for mulated the cod e and f orms of accepta nce for members hip ther ein, in which e vent se ction 3 of this Act shall become effective from and after the date when the Commission shall have formulated the code and such forms for acceptance, which date shall be promulgated by Executive order of the President of the United States. All Other sections of this Act shall become effective on the day of the approval of this Act . SEC . 21 . This Act shall cease to be in effect and any agencies established thereunder shall cease to exist on and after four years from the date of the approval of this Act. SEC . 2 2. There is hereb y autho rized to be app ropriate d from time to time such sums as may be necessary for the administration of this Act . SEC . 23 . This A ct may b e cited as the " Bituminou s Coal Conser- vation Act of 1935 ." ANN EX TO AC T-SC HEDU LE O F DISTRI CTS E AST ERN PENNSYLVANIA DISTRICT 1 . The following counties in Pennsylvania : Bedford, Blair, Bradford, Cambria, Cameron, Centre, Clarion, Clearfield, Clinton, Elk, Forest, Fulton, Huntingdon, Jefferson, Lycoming, McKean, Mifflin, Potter, Somerset, Tioga . Armstrong County, including mines served by the P . S.R.R. on the west bank of the Allegheny River, and north of the Cone- maugh division of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Fayette County, all mines on and east of the line of Indian Creek Valley branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad . Indiana County, north of but excluding the Saltsburg branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad between Edri and Blairsville, both ex clusi ve . Westmoreland County, including all mines served by the Pennsyl- vania Railroad, Torrance, and east . All coal-producing counties in the State of Maryland . The following counties in West Virginia : Grant, Mineral, and Tucker . WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DISTRICT 2. The following counties in Pennsylvania : Alleghen y, Beaver, Butler, Greene, Lawrence, Mercer, Venango, Washington . Armstrong County, west of the Allegheny River and exclusive of mines served by the P . S.R.R. Indiana County, including all mines served on the Saltsburg branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad north of Conemaugh River . Fayette County, except all mines on and east of the line of Indian Creek Valley branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad . Westm oreland County , includ ing all mines e xcept t hose ser ved by the Pennsylvania Railroad from Torrance, east .