Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1152

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS . II . CHS. 41 17. FEBRUARY 11, 1936 .

11 07 and extended for a period of ten years from that date : Provided, That further extension of the period of trust may be made by the President, in his discretion, as provided by the Act of March 2, 1917 (39 Stat . 976) . Approved, February 11, 1936 . [CHAPTER 45 .] [CHAPTER 47.] AN ACT Proviso . Fu rth er extension . Vol. 39, p. 976. AN ACT Febr uary 1 1, 1936 . To authorize credit in disbursing officers' accounts covering shipment of privately- [H . R. 3421 .] owned automobiles fr om Oct obe r 12, 19 27, to October 10, 1929. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Comp- troller General of the United States is hereby authorized to allow transportation accounts for private automobiles of officers, warrant officers, nurses, enlisted men, or civilian employees shipped as their authorized baggage allowance from October 12, 1927, to October 10, 1929, and within the authorized weight allowance, at classifi cation rates charged by the transportation companies : Provided, That where any amounts have been collected for shipments made during such period of the difference between classification rates and house- hold goods rates as authorized by existing law, the payment, upon presentation of claims therefor, of amounts thus collected to those from whom collected, is authorized and directed . Approved, February 11, 1936 . [Public, No. 436 .] Ar my d isbur sing officers . Credi t allowed in ac- counts of, for certain shipments of au tom o- biles . Proviso . Refund of collections . [CHAPTER 46 .] AN ACT Febru ary 11, 1936 . To authorize the Secretary of C omme rce to gr ant to the State of California an [H . R . 7814 .] easement over certain land of the United States in Tehama County, California, [Public, No. 437.] for highway purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secre tary of Commerce is hereby authorized to grant to the State of California an easement over a twenty-foot strip of land situated along the easterly boundary of the Mill Creek (California) fisheries station property in Tehama County in said State, for State highway pur- poses; said strip of land, which consists of twenty-four one- hundredths acr e, more or less, to be particularly described in said grant . Approved, February 11, 1936 . State of California . Easement ov er cer- tain land in Tehama County, granted to. Feb ruar y 11, 1936 . To amend an Act entitled "An Act providing for the participation of the United [H . R . 9871 .] St ates in the California Pacific Int erna tion al Ex posi tion to be held at San Diego, Cal ifo rn ia, in 19 35 and 1936; authorizing an appropriation therefor, and for other purposes", approved Mar ch 7, 1935, to provide for par ti cip a- tion in the California Pacific International Exposition to be held at San Diego, California, in 193 6, to authorize an app rop ri ati on therefor, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the California Pacific In- United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the United t erna tion al E xposi tion . Fede ral pa rticipa tion States continue its partici pation in the California Pacific Inter- in, continued . national Exposition at San Diego, California, in 1936 . SEC. 2 . For this purpose the Act entitled "An Act :' providing for the participation of the United States in the California Pacific International Exposition to be held at San Diego, California, in 1935 and 1936; authorizing an appropriation therefor, and for other purp oses" , app roved Marc h 7, 1935, as h ereby amen ded, is ex tende d 1 So in original. [Public, No.438.] Funds previously au- thorized m ade applica- b le. Ante, pp . 40, 50.