Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1157

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 49. FEBRUARY 11, 1936 . George Rogers Cla rk Sesquicentennial Com- mission . Establishment, etc. Ante, p . 654. Pr ovis o. Con dition . Interstate Commerce Commission . Motor transport reg- u lation, expense s . Ante, p . 543. Personal services, etc. GEORG E ROGERS CLA RK SESQUICENT ENNIAL COMMIS SION For carrying out the provisions of the Act approved August 15, 1935, entitled "An Act to amend the joint resolution establishing th e Geor ge Rog ers Cl ark S esquic entenn ial C ommiss ion, a pprove d May 23, 1928", fiscal years 1936 and 1937, $50,000

Provided, That

no part of such sum shall be available until the land to be improved therewith has been acquired . INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION Motor transport regulation : For all authorized expenditures neces- sary to enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to carry out the provisions of the Motor Carrier Act, approved August 9, 1935, including one director at $10,000 per annum and other personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, traveling ex- penses, supplies, services, and equipment, including the purchase (not to excee d $40,00 0), exch ange, ma intenanc e, repai r, and o pera- tio n of mot or-prope lled pas senger-c arrying vehicles when ne cessary for official use in field work, fiscal year 1936, $1,035,000 of which amount not exceeding $25,000 may be expended for re nt in the District of Columbia provided Government-owned facilities are not available, not exceeding $75,000 may be expended for printing and bin ding, an d not ex ceeding $1,000 m ay be ex pended f or purch ase and exchange of books, reports, and periodicals . National Labor Rela- tions Board

NA TIONAL LABOR RELAtiONS BO ARD . Ante, n 451 . expenses » Salaries and expenses : For three Board members, and for all Post, p. 13. other authorized and necessary expenditures of the National Labor R elatio ns Boa rd in perfo rming the d uties imposed by law or in p ursuan ce of law, includ ing re nt an d pers onal s ervice s in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, repairs and alterations, com- munications, contract stenographic reporting service, office supplies a nd equip ment, la w books, books o f refere nce, new spapers, periodi - sPP ~ and sere- cals, and garage rentals, fiscal year 1936, $275,000 : Provided, That ices.

the Board may proc ure su pplies and servic es wit hout r egard to u: s:'

7 3' c,p.180.

section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 41, sec. 5) when the aggregate amount involved does not exceed $50 . ing inting and bind- Printing and binding : For all printing and bin din g for the N ational Labor Re lations Board, f iscal ye ar 1936, $15,000 . Constitution, sesqui- ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FORMATION OF THE centennial. Observance, etc. Ante, p . ?35. Railroad Retirement Board . Salaries and expanses . Post, p.1603. Ante, pp . 970, 1097 . CONSTITUTION To carry out the provisions of the joint resolution entitled, "Joint resolution providing for the preparation and completion of plans for a comprehensive observance of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the formation of the Constitution of the United States", approved August 23, 1935, including payment of obligations heretofore incurred for salaries and expenses, fiscal year 19 36, $10,000 . RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD Salaries and expenses, Railroad Retirement Board, 1936 : For three Board members, and for all other authorized and necessary expen- ditures of the Railroad Retirement Board in performing the duties imposed by law o r in pur suance o f law, i ncluding rent an d person al servic es in the D istric t of Columb ia and elsew here, trave ling expenses, printing and binding, repairs - and alterations, communi- cations, contract stenographic reporting services, office supplies and 0