Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1184

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74Tx C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 70. FEB RUARY 14, 1936 .

1139 [CHA PTE R 70 .1

AN ACT Febr uary 14, 1936. To amend an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the collection and editing of [x .3447 .] official papers of the Terri tories of the United States now in the Nation al

[Public, No. 447.] Archives", approved March 3, 1925, as amended . Be it enacted b y the Sen ate and H ouse of R epresenta tives of the United States o America in Congress assembled That section 3 of Terri torial Pa pers of f

the United States . the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the collection and editing of collection and edit- i

for offi cial papers of t he Territories of the United State s now in the a me ndm enp ublimtion, Na tional Arc hives", a pproved Ma rch 3, 192 5, as ame nded by th e 45` Pl'1412 P' 1104 ; Vol . Act approved February 28, 1929 (U . S. C ., Supp . 7, title V, sec. 168a), U.S.C.,P.52. be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows "168a . The Public Printer shall print, bind, and deliver to the e'Number anddstlnb- , bound , Superintendent of Documents, for distribution as may be directed uted . by the Secretary of State, one thousand two hundred and twenty- seve n copies of each volume of the Of ficial Papers Rel ating to the Territories of the United States, of which not to exceed three copies shall be furnished to the Vice President and each Senator and one copy to each Representative, Delegate, and Resident Commissioner ; four cop ies to the libra ry of the Departm ent of the Interi or ; and o ne cop y of each volume to t hose histor ical assoc iatio ns, co mmiss ions, museums, or libraries and other nondepository libraries, which shall not exceed eight in number within each State, Territory, or insular possession, and which have been or hereafter may be designated by the Governor thereof to the Secretary of State of the United States, and the residue of the said one thousand two hundred and twenty- seven copies shall be for the Department of State for such use as the Secretary of State may deem appropriate . " 16 8 b . In additio n to the foregoin g there shall be furnished to Depo sitor y lib rarie s . the Superintendent of Documents a sufficient number of copies of each volume for distribution to such depository libraries as may make written applica tion therefor ; and To the Library of Congress for international exchange and for ehanteNational ex. official use in Washington, District of Columbia, not to exceed one hundred and fifty copies . The "usual number" shall not be printed .

to "Usual be nnumber" not pr inted . "168c . The historical associations, commissions, museums, or libra- su cce edi ng vol ume s to historical associa- ries and other nondepository libraries within each State, Territory, tions, etc . or insular possession which have been or hereafter may be designated by the Governor thereof to receive these publications shall, during their existence, receive the succeeding volumes, the distribution of which shall be made by the Superintendent of Documents in accord- ance with the lists of designations transmitted to him by the Secre- tary of State, and a new designation may be made by the Governor New designations . only when a. designated association, commission, museum, or library shall cease to exist or other designation may be authorized by law . "168d . For defraying the expenses to be incurred in carrying out thoP pr d op riati ou an- the provisions of th is Act, including the employment, either in or outside of the District of Columbia, of not to exceed five historical experts, especially informed on the various phases of the territorial history of the United States, without regard to the Classification Act u .s.C.,pp.85,81. of 1923, as amended, and the civil-service rules, and for all other p urpos es, incl udin g sal arie s fo r per sonn el, prin ting and bind ing, contingent expenses and traveling expenses, there is hereby author- ized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated, not more than the sum of $125,000, and under this authorization n ot more than $50, 000 shall be appr opriated for any one year ." Approved, February 14, 1936 .