Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1208

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74 TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 142. MARC H 14, 1936 .

11 63 [CHAPTER 142 .] JOINT RESOLUTI ON March 14, 1936 . Authorizing the completion of certain records and operations resulting from the [H.J. Res. 514.] administration of the Kerr Tobacco Ac t, the Bankhead Cotton Act of 1934, [Pub . Res ., No .76 .] and the Potato Act of 1935 (repeal ed), and making funds av ailable for thos e and ot her purposes . Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That not to exceed Cott onc oControl s~ ; Act of $1,068,825 (to be available until September 1, 1936) of the appro- Potato ed ~ ct of 1935 priation of $296,185,000 for "Payments for Agricultural Adjust- Completion of cer. ment" contained in the Supplemental Appropriation Act, fiscal year tail, record s and oper- ation s. 1936, approved February 11, 1936 (Public Act Numbered 440, Funds available . Seventy-fourth Congress), may be used by the Secretary of Agricul- An te, p .1116 . ture for the following purposes : (1) So much as may be necessary, not to exceed the sum of Obligations incurred )


prior to repeal . $1,026,000 (notwithstanding the repeal by Public Act Numbered 433, An,,, 8pp .1106, 1s. Seventy- fourth Congress, of Public Law Numbered 483, Seventy- c ., p .169 ; Supp . i, p.32. third Congress, as amended, known as the Kerr Tobacco Act, and Vol.48,p.598;U.S. Public Law Numbered 16 9, Se ven ty- th ird Congress, as amended, C .,p .165;Supp.I,p . 3 1 , known as the Bankhead Cotton Act of 1934, except section 24 thereof, and sections 201 to 233, both inclusive, of Public Law Numbered Ante, p 782' 320, Seventy-fourth Congress, known as the Potato Act of 1935), for the redemption of tax-payment warrants as provided in such Kerr Act, including administrative expenses necessary therefor

for sal-

aries and administrative expenses incurred on or before February 10, 1936, under such three Acts, or sections of Acts, repealed ; for such tionsbsequent oper a- per sonal servic es and means in th e Dist rict o f Colu mbia a nd els e- where, including rent, printing and binding, travel, and other admin- istrative expenses incurred after that date as the Secretary of Agri- culture and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, respectively, deem necessary, in order expeditiously to complete and preserve all of the administrative records showing the various transactions and activities involved in the administration of such Acts

and, if no

Liquidat ion of cotton tax-exemption certifi- other funds are available, for such salaries and administrative ca.tepoolse expenses as were incurred on or before February 10, 1936, in the operation of the several cotton tax-exemption certificate pools estab- lished pursuant to regulations prescribed under said Bankhead Act, and such salaries and administrative expenses thereafter incurred as the Secretary of Agriculture finds to be necessary for the purpose of completing the work relating to and liquidating, as soon as may be, such pools .

Auditing seed ac- (2) So much as may be necessary, not to exceed the sum of $42,825, counts. for salaries and necessary administrative expenses in the District of Colum bia an d else where, to co mplete the w ork of audit ing vo uchers and payment of freight bills in transactions entered into by the Sec- retary of Agriculture with relation to the purchase and sale of seed as a r esult of the all ocations to the Secretar y of Ag ricultur e author - izing the purchase and sale of seed made pursuant to the Emergency Vol.48,p.1056. Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935 .

Treasury Depart- The Secr etary of Agriculture shall tra nsfer to the Treasury me nt . Department, out of the funds made available by this joint resolution, Fun ds tr ans fer red to. such sums (not to exceed a total of $175,000) as are required for the Bureau of Internal Revenue to carry out the above-stated purposes . Sum returned to sun SEC . 2 . The sum of $453,100 of the appropriation of $296,185,000 plus. referred to in section 1 hereof shall be returned to surplus immedi- ately upon the enactment of this joint resolution . Approved, March 14, 1936 .