Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1229

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74 TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 157, 159 . MARCH 19, 20, 1936 . March 19, 1936 . [S.1307.] Description . [CHAPTER 157 .] AN ACT To establish The Homestead National Monument of America in Gage County, [Public, No. 480.1

Nebraska. Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representat ives o f the The Homestead Na- United States o f Amer ica in Congress assembled, Th at t he S ec r et ar y tional Monument of America, Nebr .

of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to acquire, on Es tabli shmen t . behalf of the United States, by gift, purchase, or condemnation, the south half of the northwest quarter, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter section 26, township 4 north, range 5 east, of the sixth principal me ridian , Gage County, Nebras ka, the same being t he firs t homes tead entered upon under the General Homestead Act of May 20, 1862, by Daniel Freeman, and that when so acquired, the said area be designated "The Homestead National Monument of America ." Appropriation au- SEC . 2 . That there is authorized to be appropriated a sum not to excee d $24,000, out of any money in the Treasur y not otherwis e appropriated, for the purpose of acquiring said tract . De sig n, pur pos e, etc .

SEC . 3 . It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to lay out said land in a suitable and enduring manner so that the same may be maintained as an appropriate monument to retain for pos- terit y a proper mem orial emblemat ical of the ha rdships and th e pioneer life through which the early settlers passed in the settlement, Erection of buildings, cultivation, and civilization of the great West . It shall be his duty etc' to erect suitable buildings to be used as a museum in which shall be preserved literature applying to such settlement and agricultural implements used in bringing the western plains to its. present high state of civilization, and to use the said tract of land for such other objects and purposes as in his judgment may perpetuate the history of the country mainly developed by the homestead law . Ann ual appropria- SEC . 4 . For the purpose of carrying out the suggestions and recom- tionsauthorizeds

mendations of the Secretary of the Interior, the necessary annual app ropriat ions th erefor are he reby au thorize d . A ppro ved, Mar ch 19, 1936 . thorized. [CHAPTER 159 .1 March 20, 193G .

AN ACT [S.2603.1

To provide for the adjustment and settlement of certain claims arising out of the [Public, No.481.]

activities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the United St ates o f America in Congress ass embled, That the Attorney General of the United States may consider, adjust, and determine any claim accruing after January 1, 1934, on account of damages to any per son or damages to or loss o f priva tely ow ned pro perty, caused by the Director, any Assistant Director, inspector, or special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the Department of Justice acting within the scope of his employment, and such amount as may be found due to any claimant, not exceeding $500 in any one case, shall be certified to Congress as a legal claim for payment out of app ropriat ions th at may be mad e by Co ngress therefo r, tog ether w ith a brief statement of the character of each claim, the amount claimed, Provisos . and the amount allowed : Provided, That this authorization shall not Government em- be construed to apply to cases of persons in the employ or service of ployees on official duty . the United States while acting within the scope of such employ or service : Provided further, That no claim shall be considered under this Act unless presented to the Attorney General within one year from the date of the accrual of said claim ; except that any claim F ede ral Bureau of Investigation, Depart- ment of Justice . Se ttle ment of certain claims incident to activ- ities of. Certification to Con- gress . Ti me limitat ion .