Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1243

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7 4Tu CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 185-187. APRIL 10, 1936. [CH APTER 185 .] AN ACT To legalize a bridge across Second Creek, Lauderdale County, Alabama. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Second Creek, Ala . United States o America in Congress assembled Th at the consent Bridge across, in

f Lauderda le co unt y, of Congress is hereby granted to the State of Alabama to main- legalized .

tain and operate a bridge and approaches thereto already constructed across Second Creek, Lauderdale County, Alabama, on the Florence 84 U Vol, 34, .S. C ., p .p . 14 74 i .

to Athens h ighway in such St ate, as a lawful structure and sub ject to the prov isions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the con- struction of bridges over navigable waters", approved March 23, 1906 . Amendment .

.SEC . 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, April 10, 1936 . April 10, 1936 . [H. R. 10465.] (Public, No . 506.1 [CHAPTER 186 .] April 10, 1936.

AN ACT [H. R . 10490.]

To amend chapter 9 of the A ct of July 1, 1898, entitled "An Act t o establish a [Public, No. 507.]

uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States", approved July 1, 1898, and Ac ts amendatory th ere of and supplementary thereto . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 79 of chapter 9 of the Act of July 1, 1898, entitled "An Act to establish a uni form syst em of bank ruptcy th roughout t he United States", approved July 1, 1898, and Acts amendatory thereof and supple- mentary thereto, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows "S;EC. 79. ADDITIONAL JURISDICTION .--Until January 1, 1940, in addition to the jurisdiction exercised in voluntary and involuntary proceedings to adjudge persons bankrupt, courts of bankruptcy shall exercise original jurisdictio n in proceedings for the relief of debtors, as provided in this chapter of this Act ." App rove d, A pril 10, 1936 . Ban krupt cy Act of 1898, amendment. Vol. 30, p. 541; Vol . 48, p. 7 98. U.S.C.,p.346. Cour ts of b ank- ruptcy, additional ju- risdiction . Ti me ex tende d for relief of debtors . [C HAPTER 187 .1 April 10,1936 .

AN ACT [H. R. 10975.1

Authorizing a preliminary examination of Marshy Hope Creek, a tributary of [Public, No.508.]

the Nanticoke River, at and within a few miles of Federalsburg, Caroline County , Maryland, with a view to the control ling of floods. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United S tates of Ame ri ca in C ong re ss as sem bl ed, That the Secretary of War is authorized and directed to cause a preliminary examina- tion to be made of M arshy Hope Creek, a tributary of t he Nanticoke River, a t and within a f ew miles of Feder alsburg, Caroline County, Mary land, with a vie w to the control of floods, in acc ordance with the provisions of section 3 of an Act entitled "An Act to provide for control of floods of the Mississippi River, and of the Sacramento River, California, and for other purposes", approved March 1, 1917, the cost thereof to be paid from appropriations heretofore or here- af ter m ade for exam inati ons, sur veys, and con ting encie s of riv er and harbors . Approved, Apri l 10, 1936 . 1 So in original. Marshy Hope Creek, Md. Sur vey di rected for controlling floods of. Vol. 39, p. 950. U.S .C.,p.1487.